
Items provides a list of core resources in the Qlik platform, including resources such as apps, automations, and data sets that a user has access to.

Download specification

List items

Lists items that the user has access to.


Rate limit Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute)
Categories manage

Query Parameters

  • collectionIdstring

    The collection's unique identifier. Used to filter for items with a specific tag (collection type public), or collection.

  • createdByUserIdstring

    User's unique identifier.

  • idstring

    The item's unique identifier.

  • limitinteger

    The maximum number of resources to return for a request. The limit must be an integer between 1 and 100 (inclusive).

  • namestring

    The case-insensitive string used to search for a resource by name.

  • nextstring

    The cursor to the next page of resources. Provide either the next or prev cursor, but not both.

  • notCreatedByUserIdstring

    User's unique identifier.

  • notOwnerIdstring

    Owner identifier.

  • ownerIdstring

    Owner identifier.

  • prevstring

    The cursor to the previous page of resources. Provide either the next or prev cursor, but not both.

  • querystring

    The case-insensitive string used to search for a resource by name or description.

  • resourceIdstring

    The case-sensitive string used to search for an item by resourceId. If resourceId is provided, then resourceType must be provided. Provide either the resourceId or resourceLink, but not both.

  • resourceIdsstring

    The case-sensitive strings used to search for an item by resourceIds. The maximum number of resourceIds it supports is 100. If resourceIds is provided, then resourceType must be provided. For example '?resourceIds=appId1,appId2'

  • resourceLinkstring

    The case-sensitive string used to search for an item by resourceLink. If resourceLink is provided, then resourceType must be provided. Provide either the resourceId or resourceLink, but not both.

  • resourceSubTypestring

    the case-sensitive string used to filter items by resourceSubType(s). For example '?resourceSubType=chart-monitoring,qix-df,qvd'. Will return a 400 error if used in conjuction with the square bracket syntax for resourceSubType filtering in the 'resourceType' query parameter.

  • resourceTypestring

    The case-sensitive string used to filter items by resourceType(s). For example '?resourceType=app,qvapp'. Additionally, a optional resourceSubType filter can be added to each resourceType. For example '?resourceType=app[qvd,chart-monitoring],qvapp'. An trailing comma can be used to include the empty resourceSubType, e.g. '?resourceType=app[qvd,chart-monitoring,]', or, to include only empty resourceSubTypes, '?resourceType=app[]' This syntax replaces the 'resourceSubType' query param, and using both in the same query will result in a 400 error.

    Can be one of: "app""qlikview""qvapp""genericlink""sharingservicetask""note""dataasset""dataset""automation""automl-experiment""automl-deployment"

  • sortstring

    The property of a resource to sort on (default sort is +createdAt). The supported properties are createdAt, updatedAt, recentlyUsed and name. A property must be prefixed by + or - to indicate ascending or descending sort order respectively.

    Can be one of: "+createdAt""-createdAt""+name""-name""+updatedAt""-updatedAt""+recentlyUsed""-recentlyUsed"

  • spaceIdstring

    The space's unique identifier (supports 'personal' as spaceId).

  • spaceTypestring

    The case-sensitive string used to filter items on space type(s). For example '?spaceType=shared,personal'.

    Can be one of: "shared""managed""personal""data"

  • sharedbooleanDeprecated

    Whether or not to return items in a shared space.

  • noActionsboolean

    If set to true, the user's available actions for each item will not be evaluated meaning the actions-array will be omitted from the response (reduces response time).




OK response.

ListItemsResponseBody result type

  • application/jsonobject

    ListItemsResponseBody result type

    Show application/json properties
    • dataarray of objects

      An item.

      Show data properties
      • idstring

        The item's unique identifier.

      • metaobject

        Item metadata and computed fields.

        Show meta properties
        • tagsarray of objects

          An array of tags that the item is part of.

          Show tags properties
          • idstring

            The ID of the tag/collection.

          • namestring

            The name of the tag/collection.

        • actionsarray of strings

          The actions that the user can perform on the item.

        • collectionsarray of objects

          An array of collections that the item is part of.

          Show collections properties
          • idstring

            The ID of the tag/collection.

          • namestring

            The name of the tag/collection.

        • isFavoritedboolean

          The flag that indicates if item is in the user's favorites collection.

      • namestring
      • linksobject
        Show links properties
        • openobject
          Show open properties
          • hrefstring
        • selfobject
          Show self properties
          • hrefstring
        • thumbnailobject
          Show thumbnail properties
          • hrefstring
        • collectionsobject
          Show collections properties
          • hrefstring
      • actionsarray of strings

        The actions that the user can perform on the item.

      • ownerIdstring

        The ID of the user who owns the item.

      • spaceIdstring

        The space's unique identifier.

      • tenantIdstring

        The ID of the tenant that owns the item. This is populated using the JWT.

      • createdAtstring

        The RFC3339 datetime when the item was created.

      • creatorIdstring

        The ID of the user who created the item. This is only populated if the JWT contains a userId.

      • itemViewsobject
        Show itemViews properties
        • weekarray of objects
          Show week properties
          • startstring

            The RFC3339 datetime representing the start of the referenced week.

          • totalinteger

            Total number of views the resource got during the referenced week.

          • uniqueinteger

            Number of unique users who viewed the resource during the referenced week.

        • totalinteger

          Total number of views the resource got during the last 28 days.

        • trendnumber

          Trend in views over the last 4 weeks. The trend value is a float number representing a linear regression slope (the x-coefficient) calculated from the weekly unique users views in the preceding 4 weeks.

        • uniqueinteger

          Number of unique users who viewed the resource during the last 28 days.

        • usedByinteger

          Number of apps this dataset is used in (datasets only).

      • updatedAtstring

        The RFC3339 datetime when the item was last updated.

      • updaterIdstring

        ID of the user who last updated the item. This is only populated if the JWT contains a userId.

      • resourceIdstring

        The case-sensitive string used to search for an item by resourceId. If resourceId is provided, then resourceType must be provided. Provide either the resourceId or resourceLink, but not both.

      • descriptionstring
      • isFavoritedboolean

        The flag that indicates if item is in the user's favorites collection.

      • thumbnailIdstring

        The item thumbnail's unique identifier. This is optional for internal resources.

      • resourceLinkstring

        The case-sensitive string used to search for an item by resourceLink. If resourceLink is provided, then resourceType must be provided. Provide either the resourceId or resourceLink, but not both.

      • resourceSizeobject
        Show resourceSize properties
        • appFilenumber

          Size of the app on disk in bytes.

        • appMemorynumber

          Size of the app in memory in bytes.

      • resourceTypestring

        The case-sensitive string defining the item's type.

        Can be one of: "app""qlikview""qvapp""genericlink""sharingservicetask""note""dataasset""dataset""automation""automl-experiment""automl-deployment"

      • collectionIdsarray of strings

        The ID of the collections that the item has been added to.

      • resourceSubTypestring

        Optional field defining the item's subtype, if any.

      • resourceCreatedAtstring

        The RFC3339 datetime when the resource that the item references was created.

      • resourceUpdatedAtstring

        The RFC3339 datetime when the resource that the item references was last updated.

      • resourceAttributesobject
      • resourceReloadStatusstring

        If the resource last reload was successful or not.

      • resourceReloadEndTimestring

        The RFC3339 datetime when the resource last reload ended.

      • resourceCustomAttributesobject
    • linksobject
      Show links properties
      • nextobject
        Show next properties
        • hrefstring
      • prevobject
        Show prev properties
        • hrefstring
      • selfobject
        Show self properties
        • hrefstring
      • collectionobject
        Show collection properties
        • hrefstring



Bad Request response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Unauthorized response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Not Found response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Internal Server Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

GET /v1/items
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify("")
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/items',
    'method': 'GET',
    'headers': {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
  const req = https.request(options)
qlik item ls


  "data": [
      "id": "string",
      "meta": {
        "tags": [
            "id": "string",
            "name": "string"
        "actions": [
        "collections": [
            "id": "string",
            "name": "string"
        "isFavorited": true
      "name": "string",
      "links": {
        "open": {
          "href": "string"
        "self": {
          "href": "string"
        "thumbnail": {
          "href": "string"
        "collections": {
          "href": "string"
      "actions": [
      "ownerId": "string",
      "spaceId": "string",
      "tenantId": "string",
      "createdAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
      "creatorId": "string",
      "itemViews": {
        "week": [
            "start": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
            "total": 42,
            "unique": 42
        "total": 42,
        "trend": -4.2,
        "unique": 42,
        "usedBy": 42
      "updatedAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
      "updaterId": "string",
      "resourceId": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "isFavorited": true,
      "thumbnailId": "string",
      "resourceLink": "string",
      "resourceSize": {
        "appFile": 42,
        "appMemory": 42
      "resourceType": "app",
      "collectionIds": [
      "resourceSubType": "string",
      "resourceCreatedAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
      "resourceUpdatedAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
      "resourceAttributes": {},
      "resourceReloadStatus": "string",
      "resourceReloadEndTime": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
      "resourceCustomAttributes": {}
  "links": {
    "next": {
      "href": "string"
    "prev": {
      "href": "string"
    "self": {
      "href": "string"
    "collection": {
      "href": "string"

Get an item

Finds and returns an item.


Rate limit Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute)
Categories manage

Path Parameters

  • itemIdstring

    The item's unique identifier




OK response.

An item.

  • application/jsonobject

    An item.

    Show application/json properties
    • idstring

      The item's unique identifier.

    • metaobject

      Item metadata and computed fields.

      Show meta properties
      • tagsarray of objects

        An array of tags that the item is part of.

        Show tags properties
        • idstring

          The ID of the tag/collection.

        • namestring

          The name of the tag/collection.

      • actionsarray of strings

        The actions that the user can perform on the item.

      • collectionsarray of objects

        An array of collections that the item is part of.

        Show collections properties
        • idstring

          The ID of the tag/collection.

        • namestring

          The name of the tag/collection.

      • isFavoritedboolean

        The flag that indicates if item is in the user's favorites collection.

    • namestring
    • linksobject
      Show links properties
      • openobject
        Show open properties
        • hrefstring
      • selfobject
        Show self properties
        • hrefstring
      • thumbnailobject
        Show thumbnail properties
        • hrefstring
      • collectionsobject
        Show collections properties
        • hrefstring
    • actionsarray of strings

      The actions that the user can perform on the item.

    • ownerIdstring

      The ID of the user who owns the item.

    • spaceIdstring

      The space's unique identifier.

    • tenantIdstring

      The ID of the tenant that owns the item. This is populated using the JWT.

    • createdAtstring

      The RFC3339 datetime when the item was created.

    • creatorIdstring

      The ID of the user who created the item. This is only populated if the JWT contains a userId.

    • itemViewsobject
      Show itemViews properties
      • weekarray of objects
        Show week properties
        • startstring

          The RFC3339 datetime representing the start of the referenced week.

        • totalinteger

          Total number of views the resource got during the referenced week.

        • uniqueinteger

          Number of unique users who viewed the resource during the referenced week.

      • totalinteger

        Total number of views the resource got during the last 28 days.

      • trendnumber

        Trend in views over the last 4 weeks. The trend value is a float number representing a linear regression slope (the x-coefficient) calculated from the weekly unique users views in the preceding 4 weeks.

      • uniqueinteger

        Number of unique users who viewed the resource during the last 28 days.

      • usedByinteger

        Number of apps this dataset is used in (datasets only).

    • updatedAtstring

      The RFC3339 datetime when the item was last updated.

    • updaterIdstring

      ID of the user who last updated the item. This is only populated if the JWT contains a userId.

    • resourceIdstring

      The case-sensitive string used to search for an item by resourceId. If resourceId is provided, then resourceType must be provided. Provide either the resourceId or resourceLink, but not both.

    • descriptionstring
    • isFavoritedboolean

      The flag that indicates if item is in the user's favorites collection.

    • thumbnailIdstring

      The item thumbnail's unique identifier. This is optional for internal resources.

    • resourceLinkstring

      The case-sensitive string used to search for an item by resourceLink. If resourceLink is provided, then resourceType must be provided. Provide either the resourceId or resourceLink, but not both.

    • resourceSizeobject
      Show resourceSize properties
      • appFilenumber

        Size of the app on disk in bytes.

      • appMemorynumber

        Size of the app in memory in bytes.

    • resourceTypestring

      The case-sensitive string defining the item's type.

      Can be one of: "app""qlikview""qvapp""genericlink""sharingservicetask""note""dataasset""dataset""automation""automl-experiment""automl-deployment"

    • collectionIdsarray of strings

      The ID of the collections that the item has been added to.

    • resourceSubTypestring

      Optional field defining the item's subtype, if any.

    • resourceCreatedAtstring

      The RFC3339 datetime when the resource that the item references was created.

    • resourceUpdatedAtstring

      The RFC3339 datetime when the resource that the item references was last updated.

    • resourceAttributesobject
    • resourceReloadStatusstring

      If the resource last reload was successful or not.

    • resourceReloadEndTimestring

      The RFC3339 datetime when the resource last reload ended.

    • resourceCustomAttributesobject



Bad Request response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Unauthorized response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Not Found response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Internal Server Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

GET /v1/items/{itemId}
curl "{itemId}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify("")
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/items/{itemId}',
    'method': 'GET',
    'headers': {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
  const req = https.request(options)
qlik item get <itemId>


  "id": "string",
  "meta": {
    "tags": [
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string"
    "actions": [
    "collections": [
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string"
    "isFavorited": true
  "name": "string",
  "links": {
    "open": {
      "href": "string"
    "self": {
      "href": "string"
    "thumbnail": {
      "href": "string"
    "collections": {
      "href": "string"
  "actions": [
  "ownerId": "string",
  "spaceId": "string",
  "tenantId": "string",
  "createdAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
  "creatorId": "string",
  "itemViews": {
    "week": [
        "start": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
        "total": 42,
        "unique": 42
    "total": 42,
    "trend": -4.2,
    "unique": 42,
    "usedBy": 42
  "updatedAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
  "updaterId": "string",
  "resourceId": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "isFavorited": true,
  "thumbnailId": "string",
  "resourceLink": "string",
  "resourceSize": {
    "appFile": 42,
    "appMemory": 42
  "resourceType": "app",
  "collectionIds": [
  "resourceSubType": "string",
  "resourceCreatedAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
  "resourceUpdatedAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
  "resourceAttributes": {},
  "resourceReloadStatus": "string",
  "resourceReloadEndTime": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
  "resourceCustomAttributes": {}

Update an item

Updates an item. Omitted and unsupported fields are ignored. To unset a field, provide the field's zero value.


Rate limit Tier 2 (100 requests per minute)
Categories manage

Path Parameters

  • itemIdstring

    The item's unique identifier.

Request Body



  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • namestring
    • spaceIdstring

      The space's unique identifier.

    • resourceIdstring

      The case-sensitive string used to search for an item by resourceId. If resourceId is provided, then resourceType must be provided. Provide either the resourceId or resourceLink, but not both.

    • descriptionstring
    • thumbnailIdstring

      The item thumbnail's unique identifier. This is optional for internal resources.

    • resourceLinkstring

      The case-sensitive string used to search for an item by resourceLink. If resourceLink is provided, then resourceType must be provided. Provide either the resourceId or resourceLink, but not both.

    • resourceTypestring

      The case-sensitive string defining the item's type.

      Can be one of: "app""qlikview""qvapp""genericlink""sharingservicetask""note""dataasset""dataset""automation""automl-experiment""automl-deployment"

    • resourceSubTypestring

      Optional field defining the item's subtype, if any.

    • resourceUpdatedAtstring

      The RFC3339 datetime when the resource that the item references was last updated.

    • resourceAttributesobject
    • resourceCustomAttributesobject




OK response.

An item.

  • application/jsonobject

    An item.

    Show application/json properties
    • idstring

      The item's unique identifier.

    • metaobject

      Item metadata and computed fields.

      Show meta properties
      • tagsarray of objects

        An array of tags that the item is part of.

        Show tags properties
        • idstring

          The ID of the tag/collection.

        • namestring

          The name of the tag/collection.

      • actionsarray of strings

        The actions that the user can perform on the item.

      • collectionsarray of objects

        An array of collections that the item is part of.

        Show collections properties
        • idstring

          The ID of the tag/collection.

        • namestring

          The name of the tag/collection.

      • isFavoritedboolean

        The flag that indicates if item is in the user's favorites collection.

    • namestring
    • linksobject
      Show links properties
      • openobject
        Show open properties
        • hrefstring
      • selfobject
        Show self properties
        • hrefstring
      • thumbnailobject
        Show thumbnail properties
        • hrefstring
      • collectionsobject
        Show collections properties
        • hrefstring
    • actionsarray of strings

      The actions that the user can perform on the item.

    • ownerIdstring

      The ID of the user who owns the item.

    • spaceIdstring

      The space's unique identifier.

    • tenantIdstring

      The ID of the tenant that owns the item. This is populated using the JWT.

    • createdAtstring

      The RFC3339 datetime when the item was created.

    • creatorIdstring

      The ID of the user who created the item. This is only populated if the JWT contains a userId.

    • itemViewsobject
      Show itemViews properties
      • weekarray of objects
        Show week properties
        • startstring

          The RFC3339 datetime representing the start of the referenced week.

        • totalinteger

          Total number of views the resource got during the referenced week.

        • uniqueinteger

          Number of unique users who viewed the resource during the referenced week.

      • totalinteger

        Total number of views the resource got during the last 28 days.

      • trendnumber

        Trend in views over the last 4 weeks. The trend value is a float number representing a linear regression slope (the x-coefficient) calculated from the weekly unique users views in the preceding 4 weeks.

      • uniqueinteger

        Number of unique users who viewed the resource during the last 28 days.

      • usedByinteger

        Number of apps this dataset is used in (datasets only).

    • updatedAtstring

      The RFC3339 datetime when the item was last updated.

    • updaterIdstring

      ID of the user who last updated the item. This is only populated if the JWT contains a userId.

    • resourceIdstring

      The case-sensitive string used to search for an item by resourceId. If resourceId is provided, then resourceType must be provided. Provide either the resourceId or resourceLink, but not both.

    • descriptionstring
    • isFavoritedboolean

      The flag that indicates if item is in the user's favorites collection.

    • thumbnailIdstring

      The item thumbnail's unique identifier. This is optional for internal resources.

    • resourceLinkstring

      The case-sensitive string used to search for an item by resourceLink. If resourceLink is provided, then resourceType must be provided. Provide either the resourceId or resourceLink, but not both.

    • resourceSizeobject
      Show resourceSize properties
      • appFilenumber

        Size of the app on disk in bytes.

      • appMemorynumber

        Size of the app in memory in bytes.

    • resourceTypestring

      The case-sensitive string defining the item's type.

      Can be one of: "app""qlikview""qvapp""genericlink""sharingservicetask""note""dataasset""dataset""automation""automl-experiment""automl-deployment"

    • collectionIdsarray of strings

      The ID of the collections that the item has been added to.

    • resourceSubTypestring

      Optional field defining the item's subtype, if any.

    • resourceCreatedAtstring

      The RFC3339 datetime when the resource that the item references was created.

    • resourceUpdatedAtstring

      The RFC3339 datetime when the resource that the item references was last updated.

    • resourceAttributesobject
    • resourceReloadStatusstring

      If the resource last reload was successful or not.

    • resourceReloadEndTimestring

      The RFC3339 datetime when the resource last reload ended.

    • resourceCustomAttributesobject



Bad Request response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Unauthorized response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Forbidden response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Not Found response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Conflict response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Internal Server Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

PUT /v1/items/{itemId}
curl "{itemId}" \
-X PUT \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d '{"name":"string","spaceId":"string","resourceId":"string","description":"string","thumbnailId":"string","resourceLink":"string","resourceType":"app","resourceSubType":"string","resourceUpdatedAt":"2018-10-30T07:06:22Z","resourceAttributes":{},"resourceCustomAttributes":{}}'
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify({"name":"string","spaceId":"string","resourceId":"string","description":"string","thumbnailId":"string","resourceLink":"string","resourceType":"app","resourceSubType":"string","resourceUpdatedAt":"2018-10-30T07:06:22Z","resourceAttributes":{},"resourceCustomAttributes":{}})
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/items/{itemId}',
    'method': 'PUT',
    'headers': {
      'Content-type': 'application/json',
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
  const req = https.request(options)
qlik item update <itemId> \
--description="string" \
--name="string" \
--resourceId="string" \
--resourceLink="string" \
--resourceSubType="string" \
--resourceType="app" \
--resourceUpdatedAt="2018-10-30T07:06:22Z" \
--spaceId="string" \


  "name": "string",
  "spaceId": "string",
  "resourceId": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "thumbnailId": "string",
  "resourceLink": "string",
  "resourceType": "app",
  "resourceSubType": "string",
  "resourceUpdatedAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
  "resourceAttributes": {},
  "resourceCustomAttributes": {}


  "id": "string",
  "meta": {
    "tags": [
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string"
    "actions": [
    "collections": [
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string"
    "isFavorited": true
  "name": "string",
  "links": {
    "open": {
      "href": "string"
    "self": {
      "href": "string"
    "thumbnail": {
      "href": "string"
    "collections": {
      "href": "string"
  "actions": [
  "ownerId": "string",
  "spaceId": "string",
  "tenantId": "string",
  "createdAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
  "creatorId": "string",
  "itemViews": {
    "week": [
        "start": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
        "total": 42,
        "unique": 42
    "total": 42,
    "trend": -4.2,
    "unique": 42,
    "usedBy": 42
  "updatedAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
  "updaterId": "string",
  "resourceId": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "isFavorited": true,
  "thumbnailId": "string",
  "resourceLink": "string",
  "resourceSize": {
    "appFile": 42,
    "appMemory": 42
  "resourceType": "app",
  "collectionIds": [
  "resourceSubType": "string",
  "resourceCreatedAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
  "resourceUpdatedAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
  "resourceAttributes": {},
  "resourceReloadStatus": "string",
  "resourceReloadEndTime": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
  "resourceCustomAttributes": {}

Delete an item

Deletes an item and removes the item from all collections.


Rate limit Tier 2 (100 requests per minute)
Categories manage

Path Parameters

  • itemIdstring

    The item's unique identifier.



No Content response.



Unauthorized response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Forbidden response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Not Found response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Internal Server Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

DELETE /v1/items/{itemId}
curl "{itemId}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify("")
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/items/{itemId}',
    'method': 'DELETE',
    'headers': {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
  const req = https.request(options)
qlik item rm <itemId>

List collections of an item

Finds and returns the collections (and tags) of an item. This endpoint does not return the user's favorites collection.


Rate limit Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute)
Categories manage

Query Parameters

  • limitinteger

    The maximum number of resources to return for a request. The limit must be an integer between 1 and 100 (inclusive).

  • namestring

    The case-sensitive string used to search for a collection by name.

  • nextstring

    The cursor to the next page of resources. Provide either the next or prev cursor, but not both.

  • prevstring

    The cursor to the previous page of resources. Provide either the next or prev cursor, but not both.

  • querystring

    The case-insensitive string used to search for a resource by name or description.

  • sortstring

    The property of a resource to sort on (default sort is +createdAt). The supported properties are createdAt, updatedAt, and name. A property must be prefixed by + or - to indicate ascending or descending sort order respectively.

    Can be one of: "+createdAt""-createdAt""+name""-name""+updatedAt""-updatedAt"

  • typestring

    The case-sensitive string used to search for a collection by type.

    Can be one of: "private""public""publicgoverned"

Path Parameters

  • itemIdstring

    The item's unique identifier.




OK response.

ListItemCollectionsResponseBody result type

  • application/jsonobject

    ListItemCollectionsResponseBody result type

    Show application/json properties
    • dataarray of objects

      A collection.

      Show data properties
      • idstring

        The collection's unique identifier.

      • fullboolean

        States if a collection has reached its items limit or not

      • metaobject

        Collection metadata and computed fields.

        Show meta properties
        • itemsobject

          Multiple items.

          Show items properties
          • dataarray of objects

            An item.

            Show data properties
            • idstring

              The item's unique identifier.

            • metaobject

              Item metadata and computed fields.

              Show meta properties
              • tagsarray of objects

                An array of tags that the item is part of.

                Show tags properties
                • idstring

                  The ID of the tag/collection.

                • namestring

                  The name of the tag/collection.

              • actionsarray of strings

                The actions that the user can perform on the item.

              • collectionsarray of objects

                An array of collections that the item is part of.

                Show collections properties
                • idstring

                  The ID of the tag/collection.

                • namestring

                  The name of the tag/collection.

              • isFavoritedboolean

                The flag that indicates if item is in the user's favorites collection.

            • namestring
            • linksobject
              Show links properties
              • openobject
                Show open properties
                • hrefstring
              • selfobject
                Show self properties
                • hrefstring
              • thumbnailobject
                Show thumbnail properties
                • hrefstring
              • collectionsobject
                Show collections properties
                • hrefstring
            • actionsarray of strings

              The actions that the user can perform on the item.

            • ownerIdstring

              The ID of the user who owns the item.

            • spaceIdstring

              The space's unique identifier.

            • tenantIdstring

              The ID of the tenant that owns the item. This is populated using the JWT.

            • createdAtstring

              The RFC3339 datetime when the item was created.

            • creatorIdstring

              The ID of the user who created the item. This is only populated if the JWT contains a userId.

            • itemViewsobject
              Show itemViews properties
              • weekarray of objects
                Show week properties
                • startstring

                  The RFC3339 datetime representing the start of the referenced week.

                • totalinteger

                  Total number of views the resource got during the referenced week.

                • uniqueinteger

                  Number of unique users who viewed the resource during the referenced week.

              • totalinteger

                Total number of views the resource got during the last 28 days.

              • trendnumber

                Trend in views over the last 4 weeks. The trend value is a float number representing a linear regression slope (the x-coefficient) calculated from the weekly unique users views in the preceding 4 weeks.

              • uniqueinteger

                Number of unique users who viewed the resource during the last 28 days.

              • usedByinteger

                Number of apps this dataset is used in (datasets only).

            • updatedAtstring

              The RFC3339 datetime when the item was last updated.

            • updaterIdstring

              ID of the user who last updated the item. This is only populated if the JWT contains a userId.

            • resourceIdstring

              The case-sensitive string used to search for an item by resourceId. If resourceId is provided, then resourceType must be provided. Provide either the resourceId or resourceLink, but not both.

            • descriptionstring
            • isFavoritedboolean

              The flag that indicates if item is in the user's favorites collection.

            • thumbnailIdstring

              The item thumbnail's unique identifier. This is optional for internal resources.

            • resourceLinkstring

              The case-sensitive string used to search for an item by resourceLink. If resourceLink is provided, then resourceType must be provided. Provide either the resourceId or resourceLink, but not both.

            • resourceSizeobject
              Show resourceSize properties
              • appFilenumber

                Size of the app on disk in bytes.

              • appMemorynumber

                Size of the app in memory in bytes.

            • resourceTypestring

              The case-sensitive string defining the item's type.

              Can be one of: "app""qlikview""qvapp""genericlink""sharingservicetask""note""dataasset""dataset""automation""automl-experiment""automl-deployment"

            • collectionIdsarray of strings

              The ID of the collections that the item has been added to.

            • resourceSubTypestring

              Optional field defining the item's subtype, if any.

            • resourceCreatedAtstring

              The RFC3339 datetime when the resource that the item references was created.

            • resourceUpdatedAtstring

              The RFC3339 datetime when the resource that the item references was last updated.

            • resourceAttributesobject
            • resourceReloadStatusstring

              If the resource last reload was successful or not.

            • resourceReloadEndTimestring

              The RFC3339 datetime when the resource last reload ended.

            • resourceCustomAttributesobject
          • linksobject
            Show links properties
            • nextobject
              Show next properties
              • hrefstring
            • prevobject
              Show prev properties
              • hrefstring
            • selfobject
              Show self properties
              • hrefstring
            • collectionobject
              Show collection properties
              • hrefstring
      • namestring
      • typestring

        Can be one of: "private""public""favorite""publicgoverned"

      • linksobject
        Show links properties
        • selfobject
          Show self properties
          • hrefstring
        • itemsobject
          Show items properties
          • hrefstring
      • tenantIdstring

        The ID of the tenant that owns the collection. This property is populated by using JWT.

      • createdAtstring

        The RFC3339 datetime when the collection was created.

      • creatorIdstring

        The ID of the user who created the collection. This property is only populated if the JWT contains a userId.

      • itemCountinteger

        The number of items that have been added to the collection that the user has access to.

      • updatedAtstring

        The RFC3339 datetime when the collection was last updated.

      • updaterIdstring

        The ID of the user who last updated the collection. This property is only populated if the JWT contains a userId.

      • descriptionstring
    • linksobject
      Show links properties
      • itemobject
        Show item properties
        • hrefstring
      • nextobject
        Show next properties
        • hrefstring
      • prevobject
        Show prev properties
        • hrefstring
      • selfobject
        Show self properties
        • hrefstring



Bad Request response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Unauthorized response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Not found response

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Internal Server Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

GET /v1/items/{itemId}/collections
curl "{itemId}/collections" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify("")
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/items/{itemId}/collections',
    'method': 'GET',
    'headers': {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
  const req = https.request(options)
qlik item collections <itemId>


  "data": [
      "id": "string",
      "full": true,
      "meta": {
        "items": {
          "data": [
              "id": "string",
              "meta": {
                "tags": [
                    "id": "string",
                    "name": "string"
                "actions": [
                "collections": [
                    "id": "string",
                    "name": "string"
                "isFavorited": true
              "name": "string",
              "links": {
                "open": {
                  "href": "string"
                "self": {
                  "href": "string"
                "thumbnail": {
                  "href": "string"
                "collections": {
                  "href": "string"
              "actions": [
              "ownerId": "string",
              "spaceId": "string",
              "tenantId": "string",
              "createdAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
              "creatorId": "string",
              "itemViews": {
                "week": [
                    "start": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
                    "total": 42,
                    "unique": 42
                "total": 42,
                "trend": -4.2,
                "unique": 42,
                "usedBy": 42
              "updatedAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
              "updaterId": "string",
              "resourceId": "string",
              "description": "string",
              "isFavorited": true,
              "thumbnailId": "string",
              "resourceLink": "string",
              "resourceSize": {
                "appFile": 42,
                "appMemory": 42
              "resourceType": "app",
              "collectionIds": [
              "resourceSubType": "string",
              "resourceCreatedAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
              "resourceUpdatedAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
              "resourceAttributes": {},
              "resourceReloadStatus": "string",
              "resourceReloadEndTime": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
              "resourceCustomAttributes": {}
          "links": {
            "next": {
              "href": "string"
            "prev": {
              "href": "string"
            "self": {
              "href": "string"
            "collection": {
              "href": "string"
      "name": "string",
      "type": "private",
      "links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "string"
        "items": {
          "href": "string"
      "tenantId": "string",
      "createdAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
      "creatorId": "string",
      "itemCount": 42,
      "updatedAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
      "updaterId": "string",
      "description": "string"
  "links": {
    "item": {
      "href": "string"
    "next": {
      "href": "string"
    "prev": {
      "href": "string"
    "self": {
      "href": "string"

List published items

Finds and returns the published items for a given item. This endpoint is particularly useful for finding the published copies of an app or a qvapp when you want to replace the content of a published copy with new information from the source item.


Rate limit Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute)
Categories manage

Query Parameters

  • limitinteger

    The maximum number of resources to return for a request. The limit must be an integer between 1 and 100 (inclusive).

  • nextstring

    The cursor to the next page of resources. Provide either the next or prev cursor, but not both.

  • prevstring

    The cursor to the previous page of resources. Provide either the next or prev cursor, but not both.

  • resourceTypestring

    The case-sensitive string used to search for an item by resourceType.

    Can be one of: "app""qlikview""qvapp""genericlink""sharingservicetask""note""dataasset""dataset""automation""automl-experiment""automl-deployment"

  • sortstring

    The property of a resource to sort on (default sort is +createdAt). The supported properties are createdAt, updatedAt, and name. A property must be prefixed by + or - to indicate ascending or descending sort order respectively.

    Can be one of: "+createdAt""-createdAt""+name""-name""+updatedAt""-updatedAt"

Path Parameters

  • itemIdstring

    The item's unique identifier




OK response.

ListItemCollectionsResponseBody result type

  • application/jsonobject

    ListItemCollectionsResponseBody result type

    Show application/json properties
    • dataarray of objects

      A collection.

      Show data properties
      • idstring

        The collection's unique identifier.

      • fullboolean

        States if a collection has reached its items limit or not

      • metaobject

        Collection metadata and computed fields.

        Show meta properties
        • itemsobject

          Multiple items.

          Show items properties
          • dataarray of objects

            An item.

            Show data properties
            • idstring

              The item's unique identifier.

            • metaobject

              Item metadata and computed fields.

              Show meta properties
              • tagsarray of objects

                An array of tags that the item is part of.

                Show tags properties
                • idstring

                  The ID of the tag/collection.

                • namestring

                  The name of the tag/collection.

              • actionsarray of strings

                The actions that the user can perform on the item.

              • collectionsarray of objects

                An array of collections that the item is part of.

                Show collections properties
                • idstring

                  The ID of the tag/collection.

                • namestring

                  The name of the tag/collection.

              • isFavoritedboolean

                The flag that indicates if item is in the user's favorites collection.

            • namestring
            • linksobject
              Show links properties
              • openobject
                Show open properties
                • hrefstring
              • selfobject
                Show self properties
                • hrefstring
              • thumbnailobject
                Show thumbnail properties
                • hrefstring
              • collectionsobject
                Show collections properties
                • hrefstring
            • actionsarray of strings

              The actions that the user can perform on the item.

            • ownerIdstring

              The ID of the user who owns the item.

            • spaceIdstring

              The space's unique identifier.

            • tenantIdstring

              The ID of the tenant that owns the item. This is populated using the JWT.

            • createdAtstring

              The RFC3339 datetime when the item was created.

            • creatorIdstring

              The ID of the user who created the item. This is only populated if the JWT contains a userId.

            • itemViewsobject
              Show itemViews properties
              • weekarray of objects
                Show week properties
                • startstring

                  The RFC3339 datetime representing the start of the referenced week.

                • totalinteger

                  Total number of views the resource got during the referenced week.

                • uniqueinteger

                  Number of unique users who viewed the resource during the referenced week.

              • totalinteger

                Total number of views the resource got during the last 28 days.

              • trendnumber

                Trend in views over the last 4 weeks. The trend value is a float number representing a linear regression slope (the x-coefficient) calculated from the weekly unique users views in the preceding 4 weeks.

              • uniqueinteger

                Number of unique users who viewed the resource during the last 28 days.

              • usedByinteger

                Number of apps this dataset is used in (datasets only).

            • updatedAtstring

              The RFC3339 datetime when the item was last updated.

            • updaterIdstring

              ID of the user who last updated the item. This is only populated if the JWT contains a userId.

            • resourceIdstring

              The case-sensitive string used to search for an item by resourceId. If resourceId is provided, then resourceType must be provided. Provide either the resourceId or resourceLink, but not both.

            • descriptionstring
            • isFavoritedboolean

              The flag that indicates if item is in the user's favorites collection.

            • thumbnailIdstring

              The item thumbnail's unique identifier. This is optional for internal resources.

            • resourceLinkstring

              The case-sensitive string used to search for an item by resourceLink. If resourceLink is provided, then resourceType must be provided. Provide either the resourceId or resourceLink, but not both.

            • resourceSizeobject
              Show resourceSize properties
              • appFilenumber

                Size of the app on disk in bytes.

              • appMemorynumber

                Size of the app in memory in bytes.

            • resourceTypestring

              The case-sensitive string defining the item's type.

              Can be one of: "app""qlikview""qvapp""genericlink""sharingservicetask""note""dataasset""dataset""automation""automl-experiment""automl-deployment"

            • collectionIdsarray of strings

              The ID of the collections that the item has been added to.

            • resourceSubTypestring

              Optional field defining the item's subtype, if any.

            • resourceCreatedAtstring

              The RFC3339 datetime when the resource that the item references was created.

            • resourceUpdatedAtstring

              The RFC3339 datetime when the resource that the item references was last updated.

            • resourceAttributesobject
            • resourceReloadStatusstring

              If the resource last reload was successful or not.

            • resourceReloadEndTimestring

              The RFC3339 datetime when the resource last reload ended.

            • resourceCustomAttributesobject
          • linksobject
            Show links properties
            • nextobject
              Show next properties
              • hrefstring
            • prevobject
              Show prev properties
              • hrefstring
            • selfobject
              Show self properties
              • hrefstring
            • collectionobject
              Show collection properties
              • hrefstring
      • namestring
      • typestring

        Can be one of: "private""public""favorite""publicgoverned"

      • linksobject
        Show links properties
        • selfobject
          Show self properties
          • hrefstring
        • itemsobject
          Show items properties
          • hrefstring
      • tenantIdstring

        The ID of the tenant that owns the collection. This property is populated by using JWT.

      • createdAtstring

        The RFC3339 datetime when the collection was created.

      • creatorIdstring

        The ID of the user who created the collection. This property is only populated if the JWT contains a userId.

      • itemCountinteger

        The number of items that have been added to the collection that the user has access to.

      • updatedAtstring

        The RFC3339 datetime when the collection was last updated.

      • updaterIdstring

        The ID of the user who last updated the collection. This property is only populated if the JWT contains a userId.

      • descriptionstring
    • linksobject
      Show links properties
      • itemobject
        Show item properties
        • hrefstring
      • nextobject
        Show next properties
        • hrefstring
      • prevobject
        Show prev properties
        • hrefstring
      • selfobject
        Show self properties
        • hrefstring



Bad Request response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Unauthorized response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Not Found response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Internal Server Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

GET /v1/items/{itemId}/publisheditems
curl "{itemId}/publisheditems" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify("")
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/items/{itemId}/publisheditems',
    'method': 'GET',
    'headers': {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
  const req = https.request(options)
qlik item publisheditems <itemId>


  "data": [
      "id": "string",
      "full": true,
      "meta": {
        "items": {
          "data": [
              "id": "string",
              "meta": {
                "tags": [
                    "id": "string",
                    "name": "string"
                "actions": [
                "collections": [
                    "id": "string",
                    "name": "string"
                "isFavorited": true
              "name": "string",
              "links": {
                "open": {
                  "href": "string"
                "self": {
                  "href": "string"
                "thumbnail": {
                  "href": "string"
                "collections": {
                  "href": "string"
              "actions": [
              "ownerId": "string",
              "spaceId": "string",
              "tenantId": "string",
              "createdAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
              "creatorId": "string",
              "itemViews": {
                "week": [
                    "start": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
                    "total": 42,
                    "unique": 42
                "total": 42,
                "trend": -4.2,
                "unique": 42,
                "usedBy": 42
              "updatedAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
              "updaterId": "string",
              "resourceId": "string",
              "description": "string",
              "isFavorited": true,
              "thumbnailId": "string",
              "resourceLink": "string",
              "resourceSize": {
                "appFile": 42,
                "appMemory": 42
              "resourceType": "app",
              "collectionIds": [
              "resourceSubType": "string",
              "resourceCreatedAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
              "resourceUpdatedAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
              "resourceAttributes": {},
              "resourceReloadStatus": "string",
              "resourceReloadEndTime": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
              "resourceCustomAttributes": {}
          "links": {
            "next": {
              "href": "string"
            "prev": {
              "href": "string"
            "self": {
              "href": "string"
            "collection": {
              "href": "string"
      "name": "string",
      "type": "private",
      "links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "string"
        "items": {
          "href": "string"
      "tenantId": "string",
      "createdAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
      "creatorId": "string",
      "itemCount": 42,
      "updatedAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z",
      "updaterId": "string",
      "description": "string"
  "links": {
    "item": {
      "href": "string"
    "next": {
      "href": "string"
    "prev": {
      "href": "string"
    "self": {
      "href": "string"

Get items settings

Finds and returns the items service settings for the current tenant. Currently used to enable or disable usage metrics in the tenant.


Rate limit Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute)
Categories manage




OK response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • usageMetricsEnabledboolean

      Decides if the usage metrics will be shown in the hub UI.



Bad Request response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Unauthorized response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Internal Server Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

GET /v1/items/settings
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify("")
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/items/settings',
    'method': 'GET',
    'headers': {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
  const req = https.request(options)
qlik item settings ls


  "usageMetricsEnabled": true

Update items settings

Updates the settings provided in the patch body. Currently used to enable or disable usage metrics in the tenant.


Rate limit Tier 2 (100 requests per minute)
Categories manage

Request Body



A JSONPatch document as defined by RFC 6902.

  • application/jsonarray of objects

    A JSONPatch document as defined by RFC 6902.

    Show application/json properties
    • opstring

      The operation to be performed. Only "replace" is supported.

      Can be one of: "replace"

    • pathstring

      Field of Settings to be patched (updated).

      Can be one of: "/usageMetricsEnabled"

    • valueboolean

      The value to be used within the operations.




OK response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • usageMetricsEnabledboolean

      Decides if the usage metrics will be shown in the hub UI.



Bad Request response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Unauthorized response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Forbidden response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.



Internal Server Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Code is a unique identifier for this error class.

      • metaobject
        Show meta properties
        • faultboolean

          Is the error a server-side fault?

        • explainobject

          Further explanation of the error

        • timeoutboolean

          Is the error a timeout?

        • temporaryboolean

          Is the error temporary?

      • titlestring

        Title is the name of this class of errors.

      • detailstring

        Detail is a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

PATCH /v1/items/settings
curl "" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d '[{"op":"replace","path":"/usageMetricsEnabled","value":true}]'
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify([{"op":"replace","path":"/usageMetricsEnabled","value":true}])
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/items/settings',
    'method': 'PATCH',
    'headers': {
      'Content-type': 'application/json',
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
  const req = https.request(options)
qlik item settings patch \


    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/usageMetricsEnabled",
    "value": true


  "usageMetricsEnabled": true