Data connectivity (deprecated)
Deprecated, pending removal. Please use data-connections.
Request Body
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- tagsarray of strings
string tags (32 or less) persisted with the connection object
- spaceIdstring
Target connection space ID
- authUrlOnlyboolean
When set to true, only authentication URL will be returned if datasource supports OAuth (other properties set in the request will ignored). This property will be ignored if the request is not OAuth or datasource doesn't support OAuth
- dataSourceIdstringRequired
Datasource ID
- connectionNamestringRequired
Connection name
- connectionPropertiesobjectRequired
List of connection properties required to create dataconnection for a given datasource, which is defined by the response of 'GET /v1/data-datasources/:{datasourceId}/api-specs'
Data connection created
- application/jsonobjectOne of:
- CreateConnectionResobject
CreateConnectionRes properties
- userIdstringRequired
User ID
- spaceIdstring
Space ID
- tenantIdstringRequired
Tenant ID
- updateAtstringRequired
Updated at time stamp
- createdAtstringRequired
Created at time stamp
- connectionIdstringRequired
Connection ID
- dataSourceIdstringRequired
Datasource ID
- credentialsIdstring
Credentials ID (if credentials are included in the request)
- connectionNamestringRequired
Connection name
- AuthUrlResponseobject
Response returned when 'authUrlOnly' is set to true in the request body
AuthUrlResponse properties
- authUrlstringRequired
Authentication URL for OAuth datasource
Bad request
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestringRequired
A service specific error code string
- metaobject
Additional metadata associated with the error
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the error
- detailstring
Concrete detail about the error
Unauthorized request (Bad JWT token etc)
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestringRequired
A service specific error code string
- metaobject
Additional metadata associated with the error
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the error
- detailstring
Concrete detail about the error
Access forbidden, happens when feature or datasource is not enabled
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestringRequired
A service specific error code string
- metaobject
Additional metadata associated with the error
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the error
- detailstring
Concrete detail about the error
Internal errors
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestringRequired
A service specific error code string
- metaobject
Additional metadata associated with the error
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the error
- detailstring
Concrete detail about the error
Service unavailable, happens when request to connector or down stream services fails
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestringRequired
A service specific error code string
- metaobject
Additional metadata associated with the error
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the error
- detailstring
Concrete detail about the error
curl "" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d '{"tags":"[\"tag1\", \"tag2\"]","spaceId":"6226583d53a69876774d4f96","authUrlOnly":false,"dataSourceId":"rest","connectionName":"MyConnection","connectionProperties":"{\"property1\": \"value\", \"property2\": \"value\"}"}'
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify({"tags":"[\"tag1\", \"tag2\"]","spaceId":"6226583d53a69876774d4f96","authUrlOnly":false,"dataSourceId":"rest","connectionName":"MyConnection","connectionProperties":"{\"property1\": \"value\", \"property2\": \"value\"}"})
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/dcaas/actions/data-connections',
'method': 'POST',
'headers': {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"tags": "[\"tag1\", \"tag2\"]",
"spaceId": "6226583d53a69876774d4f96",
"authUrlOnly": false,
"dataSourceId": "rest",
"connectionName": "MyConnection",
"connectionProperties": "{\"property1\": \"value\", \"property2\": \"value\"}"
"userId": "Ip1R89NWKqEYje6jxc6wEkJEQsiPG7uz",
"spaceId": "641c53f71ecb12d7c450f687",
"tenantId": "xqFQ0k66vSR8f9F7J-zZtHZQkiYrCpc2",
"updateAt": "2023-03-23T13:30:55.351Z",
"createdAt": "2023-03-23T13:30:55.351Z",
"connectionId": "44054965-a970-458b-8c82-1fbf2934f87a",
"dataSourceId": "rest",
"credentialsId": "d24799e4-e872-432b-8c5d-b9012afc6ff7",
"connectionName": "My connection"
DEPRECATED. Use GET /v1/data-connections/{connectionId}?parseConnection=true to get connection with parsed connection properties.
Path Parameters
- connectionIdstringRequired
ID of the connection
Connection returned
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- tagsarray of strings
string tags associated with the connection
- userIdstringRequired
User ID
- spaceIdstring
Space ID
- tenantIdstringRequired
Tenant ID
- updateAtstringRequired
Updated at time stamp
- createdAtstringRequired
Created at time stamp
- connectionIdstringRequired
Connection ID
- dataSourceIdstringRequired
Datasource ID
- credentialsIdstring
Credentials ID (associated with the connection, either embedded or separated)
- connectionNamestringRequired
Connection name
- connectionPropertiesobjectRequired
List of connection properties
Unauthorized request (Bad JWT token etc)
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestringRequired
A service specific error code string
- metaobject
Additional metadata associated with the error
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the error
- detailstring
Concrete detail about the error
Access forbidden, happens when feature or datasource is not enabled
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestringRequired
A service specific error code string
- metaobject
Additional metadata associated with the error
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the error
- detailstring
Concrete detail about the error
Access forbidden, happens when feature or datasource is not enabled
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestringRequired
A service specific error code string
- metaobject
Additional metadata associated with the error
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the error
- detailstring
Concrete detail about the error
Internal errors
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestringRequired
A service specific error code string
- metaobject
Additional metadata associated with the error
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the error
- detailstring
Concrete detail about the error
Service unavailable, happens when request to connector or down stream services fails
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestringRequired
A service specific error code string
- metaobject
Additional metadata associated with the error
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the error
- detailstring
Concrete detail about the error
curl "{connectionId}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/dcaas/actions/data-connections/{connectionId}',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"tags": "[\"tag1\", \"tag2\"]",
"userId": "string",
"spaceId": "641c53f71ecb12d7c450f687",
"tenantId": "1f25B1AD6zH6cQ-TovCAuXbCtgfSTrSC",
"updateAt": "2023-03-23T13:30:55.351Z",
"createdAt": "2023-03-23T13:30:55.351Z",
"connectionId": "44054965-a970-458b-8c82-1fbf2934f87a",
"dataSourceId": "rest",
"credentialsId": "d24799e4-e872-432b-8c5d-b9012afc6ff7",
"connectionName": "My Connection 1",
"connectionProperties": "{property1: \"value\"}"
DEPRECATED. Use GET /v1/data-sources/{dataSourceId}/api-specs to return 'connectionProperties' for a given datasource.
Query Parameters
- dataSourceIdstringRequired
Datasource ID
API spec returned
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- connectorVersionstringRequired
Datasource provider (i.e. connector) version
- connectorProviderstringRequired
Datasource provider
- connectionPropertiesobjectRequired
List of properties required for the given datasource
Unauthorized request (Bad JWT token etc)
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestringRequired
A service specific error code string
- metaobject
Additional metadata associated with the error
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the error
- detailstring
Concrete detail about the error
Access forbidden, happens when feature or datasource is not enabled
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestringRequired
A service specific error code string
- metaobject
Additional metadata associated with the error
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the error
- detailstring
Concrete detail about the error
Internal errors
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestringRequired
A service specific error code string
- metaobject
Additional metadata associated with the error
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the error
- detailstring
Concrete detail about the error
Service unavailable, happens when request to connector or down stream services fails
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestringRequired
A service specific error code string
- metaobject
Additional metadata associated with the error
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the error
- detailstring
Concrete detail about the error
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/dcaas/actions/data-connections/api-specs',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"connectorVersion": "1.180.0",
"connectorProvider": "QvRestConnector.exe",
"connectionProperties": "{\"property1\": \"value\", \"property2\": \"value2\"}"