Data files
Data files represent the flat file storage associated with spaces in your Qlik Cloud tenant. Each space will have a corresponding data files connection, which you can list with data-connections.
- GET/v1/data-files
- POST/v1/data-files
- GET/v1/data-files/{id}
- PUT/v1/data-files/{id}
- DELETE/v1/data-files/{id}
- POST/v1/data-files/{id}/actions/change-owner
- POST/v1/data-files/{id}/actions/change-space
- POST/v1/data-files/actions/change-space
- POST/v1/data-files/actions/delete
- GET/v1/data-files/connections
- GET/v1/data-files/connections/{id}
- GET/v1/data-files/quotas
Rate limit | Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute) |
Categories | managebuild |
Query Parameters
- allowInternalFilesboolean
If set to false, do not return data files with internal extensions else return all the data files.
- appIdstring
Only return files scoped to the specified app. If this parameter is not specified, only files that are not scoped to any app are returned. "*" implies all app-scoped files are returned.
- baseNameWildcardstring
If present, return only items whose base name matches the given wildcard. Wildcards include '*' and '?' characters to allow for multiple matches. The base name is the actual file or folder name without any folder pathing included.
- connectionIdstring
Return files and folders that reside in the space referenced by the specified DataFiles connection. If this parameter is not specified, the user's personal space is implied.
- excludeFilesboolean
If set to true, exclude files in the returned list (IE, only return folders). If false, include files.
- excludeSubFoldersboolean
If set to true, exclude folders and files that reside in sub-folders of the root being searched. If false, include all items in full folder hierarchy that recursively reside under the root. That is, setting to true results in only the direct children of the root being returned.
- folderIdstring
If present, return only items which reside under the folder specified by the given ID. If not present, items that live at the root of the space are returned. This property is mutually exclusive with 'folderPath'.
- folderPathstring
If present, return only items which reside under the specified folder path. If not present, items that live at the root of the space are returned. This property is mutually exclusive with 'folderId'.
- includeAllSpacesboolean
If set to true, and connectionId is not specified, return files and folders from all spaces the given user has access to (including the personal space). If connectionId is specified, this parameter is ignored.
- includeFoldersboolean
If set to true, include folders in the returned list. If false, only return data files.
- includeFolderStatsboolean
If set to true, include computed folder statistics for folders in the returned list. If false, this information is not returned.
- limitinteger
If present, the maximum number of data files to return.
- namestring
Filter the list of files returned to the given file name.
- notOwnerIdstring
If present, fetch the data files whose owner is not the specified owner. If a connectionId is specified in this case, the returned list is constrained to the specified space. If connectionId is not specified, then the returned list is constrained to the calling user's personal space. If includeAllSpaces is set to true, and connectionId is not specified, the returned list is from all spaces the given user has access to (including the personal space).
- ownerIdstring
If present, fetch the data files for the specified owner. If a connectionId is specified in this case, the returned list is constrained to the specified space. If connectionId is not specified, then all files owned by the specified user are returned regardless of the personal space that a given file resides in.
- pagestring
If present, the cursor that starts the page of data that is returned.
- sortstring
The name of the field used to sort the result. By default, the sort order is ascending. Putting a '+' prefix on the sort field name explicitly indicates ascending sort order. A '-' prefix indicates a descending sort order.
Can be one of: "name""+name""-name""size""+size""-size""modifiedDate""+modifiedDate""-modifiedDate""folder""+folder""-folder""baseName""+baseName""-baseName"
The file list was retrieved.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- dataarray of objectsRequired
Properties of the uploaded data files.
data properties
- idstringRequired
The ID for the file or folder.
- qristring
The QRI generated from the datafile or folder's metadata.
- namestringRequired
The full name of the file or folder, including any folder path prefix.
- sizeintegerRequired
The size of the uploaded file, in bytes. 0 if this item represents a folder
- appIdstring
If this file or folder is bound to the lifecycle of a specific app, this is the ID of this app.
- folderboolean
Whether or not this given item represents a folder or a file.
- actionsarray of stringsRequired
The CRUD actions that are allowed on the given data file.
Values may be any of: "read""update""delete""list""change_owner""change_space"
- ownerIdstringRequired
The 'owner' of a file or folder is the user who last uploaded the item's content.
- spaceIdstring
If the file or folder was created in a team space, this is the ID of that space.
- baseNamestring
The name of the file or folder, not including any folder path prefix.
- folderIdstring
If the file or folder resides in a parent folder, this is the parent folder ID. If the file or folder does not reside in a parent folder, this value is null.
- folderPathstring
If the file or folder resides in a parent folder, this is the parent folder path. If the file or folder does not reside in a parent folder, this value is null.
- createdDatestringRequired
The date that the file or folder was created.
- folderStatsobjectRequired
folderStats properties
- totalFileCountintegerRequired
The number of data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directFileCountintegerRequired
The number of data files that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- totalFolderCountintegerRequired
The number of folders that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- aggregateFileSizeintegerRequired
The sum of the file sizes, in bytes, of all data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directFolderCountintegerRequired
The number of sub-folders that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- totalInternalFileCountintegerRequired
The number of 'internal' data files (IE, those that are not visible to end users by default) that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directInternalFileCountintegerRequired
The number of 'internal' data files (IE, those that are not visible to end users by default) that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- totalAppScopedFileCountintegerRequired
The number of app-scoped data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directAppScopedFileCountintegerRequired
The number of app-scoped data files that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- aggregateInternalFileSizeintegerRequired
The sum of the file sizes, in bytes, of all internal data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- aggregateAppScopedFileSizeintegerRequired
The sum of the file sizes, in bytes, of all app-scoped data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- modifiedDatestring
The date that the updated file or folder was last modified.
- linksobjectRequired
links properties
- nextobjectRequired
next properties
- hrefstring
The URL for the link.
- prevobjectRequired
prev properties
- hrefstring
The URL for the link.
- selfobjectRequired
self properties
- hrefstring
The URL for the link.
Bad Request
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-files',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
qlik data-file ls
"data": [
"id": "ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"qri": "qri:qdf:space://ooSOGoLLaq7EMaSdSsCiGvLwcd_VAf1oU0mzwSfp_Qs#wME89c8gKu_Tpz8W_a0JKSbKC4hzbNu0NLVgqi2UFS0",
"name": "some/folder/MyFile.csv",
"size": 1024,
"appId": "f34b91a1-0dc3-44ac-a847-51cb84122c84",
"folder": true,
"actions": [
"ownerId": "lDL4DIINndhL_iJkcbqWyJenuwizP-2D",
"spaceId": "617979737a9f56e49dea2e6e",
"baseName": "MyFile.csv",
"folderId": "ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"folderPath": "some/folder",
"createdDate": "2020-07-07T20:52:40.8534780Z",
"folderStats": {
"totalFileCount": 50,
"directFileCount": 50,
"totalFolderCount": 50,
"aggregateFileSize": 10000,
"directFolderCount": 50,
"totalInternalFileCount": 50,
"directInternalFileCount": 50,
"totalAppScopedFileCount": 50,
"directAppScopedFileCount": 50,
"aggregateInternalFileSize": 10000,
"aggregateAppScopedFileSize": 10000
"modifiedDate": "2020-07-07T20:52:40.8534780Z"
"links": {
"next": {
"href": "string"
"prev": {
"href": "string"
"self": {
"href": "string"
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories | managebuild |
Request Body
- multipart/form-dataobject
multipart/form-data properties
- Filestring
IFormFile form multipart/form-data
- Jsonobject
See PostDataFileRequest schema which defines request structure. See model.
Json properties
- namestringRequired
Name that will be given to the file or folder. It should be noted that the '/' character in the name indicates a 'path' separator in a logical folder hierarchy for the name. Names that contain '/'s should be used with the assumption that a logical 'folder hierarchy' is being defined for the full pathname of that file or folder. IE, a '/' is a significant character in the name.
- appIdstring
If this file should be bound to the lifecycle of a specific app, this is the ID of this app. If this request is creating a folder, the specification of an app ID is not allowed.
- folderboolean
If true, a folder will be created. If false, a file is created.
- folderIdstring
If the specified file or folder should be moved to become a a sub-item of an existing folder, this is the ID of this parent folder. Any additional folder path that is present on the Name property will be created as a subfolder hierarchy of this folder. If the FolderID is null, the file or folder specified in the Name property (including any folder prefix on that name), will be created in the root of the space.
- sourceIdstring
If a SourceId is specified, this is the ID of the existing data file or folder whose content should be copied into the specified data file or folder. That is, for a file instead of the file content being specified in the Data element, it is effectively copied from an existing, previously uploaded file. For a folder, rather than the new folder being empty, it's contents are copied from an existing, previously created folder.
- connectionIdstring
If present, this is the DataFiles connection that the upload should occur in the context of. If absent, the default is that the upload will occur in the context of the Personal Space DataFiles connection. If the DataFiles connection is different from the one specified when the file or folder was last POSTed or PUT, this will result in a logical move of this file or folder into the new space.
- tempContentFileIdstring
If a TempContentFileId is specified, this is the ID of a previously uploaded temporary content file whose content should be copied into the specified data file. That is, instead of the file content being specified in the Data element, it is effectively copied from an existing, previously uploaded file. The expectation is that this file was previously uploaded to the temporary content service, and the ID specified here is the one returned from the temp content upload request. This option does not apply when POSTing a folder.
New file or folder was created.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- idstringRequired
The ID for the file or folder.
- qristring
The QRI generated from the datafile or folder's metadata.
- namestringRequired
The full name of the file or folder, including any folder path prefix.
- sizeintegerRequired
The size of the uploaded file, in bytes. 0 if this item represents a folder
- appIdstring
If this file or folder is bound to the lifecycle of a specific app, this is the ID of this app.
- folderboolean
Whether or not this given item represents a folder or a file.
- actionsarray of stringsRequired
The CRUD actions that are allowed on the given data file.
Values may be any of: "read""update""delete""list""change_owner""change_space"
- ownerIdstringRequired
The 'owner' of a file or folder is the user who last uploaded the item's content.
- spaceIdstring
If the file or folder was created in a team space, this is the ID of that space.
- baseNamestring
The name of the file or folder, not including any folder path prefix.
- folderIdstring
If the file or folder resides in a parent folder, this is the parent folder ID. If the file or folder does not reside in a parent folder, this value is null.
- folderPathstring
If the file or folder resides in a parent folder, this is the parent folder path. If the file or folder does not reside in a parent folder, this value is null.
- createdDatestringRequired
The date that the file or folder was created.
- folderStatsobjectRequired
folderStats properties
- totalFileCountintegerRequired
The number of data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directFileCountintegerRequired
The number of data files that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- totalFolderCountintegerRequired
The number of folders that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- aggregateFileSizeintegerRequired
The sum of the file sizes, in bytes, of all data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directFolderCountintegerRequired
The number of sub-folders that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- totalInternalFileCountintegerRequired
The number of 'internal' data files (IE, those that are not visible to end users by default) that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directInternalFileCountintegerRequired
The number of 'internal' data files (IE, those that are not visible to end users by default) that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- totalAppScopedFileCountintegerRequired
The number of app-scoped data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directAppScopedFileCountintegerRequired
The number of app-scoped data files that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- aggregateInternalFileSizeintegerRequired
The sum of the file sizes, in bytes, of all internal data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- aggregateAppScopedFileSizeintegerRequired
The sum of the file sizes, in bytes, of all app-scoped data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- modifiedDatestring
The date that the updated file or folder was last modified.
Bad Request
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
A file or folder with the same name already exists in the specified user or app scope.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
The file exceeds the user's quota for maximum file size to upload.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
The file is already locked for read or write by another client.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
Not Implemented
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
curl "" \
-H "Content-type: multipart/form-data" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-F "File=@/path/to/file" \
-F "Json={\"name\":\"some/folder/MyFile.csv\",\"appId\":\"f34b91a1-0dc3-44ac-a847-51cb84122c84\",\"folder\":false,\"folderId\":\"c35f4b70-3ce4-4a30-b62b-2aef16943bc4\",\"sourceId\":\"f34b91a1-0dc3-44ac-a847-51cb84122c84\",\"connectionId\":\"ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc\",\"tempContentFileId\":\"624b0f54459f1c00018dade4\"}"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify({"File":"string","Json":{"name":"some/folder/MyFile.csv","appId":"f34b91a1-0dc3-44ac-a847-51cb84122c84","folder":false,"folderId":"c35f4b70-3ce4-4a30-b62b-2aef16943bc4","sourceId":"f34b91a1-0dc3-44ac-a847-51cb84122c84","connectionId":"ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc","tempContentFileId":"624b0f54459f1c00018dade4"}})
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-files',
'method': 'POST',
'headers': {
'Content-type': 'multipart/form-data',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
qlik data-file create
"File": "string",
"Json": {
"name": "some/folder/MyFile.csv",
"appId": "f34b91a1-0dc3-44ac-a847-51cb84122c84",
"folder": false,
"folderId": "c35f4b70-3ce4-4a30-b62b-2aef16943bc4",
"sourceId": "f34b91a1-0dc3-44ac-a847-51cb84122c84",
"connectionId": "ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"tempContentFileId": "624b0f54459f1c00018dade4"
"id": "ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"qri": "qri:qdf:space://ooSOGoLLaq7EMaSdSsCiGvLwcd_VAf1oU0mzwSfp_Qs#wME89c8gKu_Tpz8W_a0JKSbKC4hzbNu0NLVgqi2UFS0",
"name": "some/folder/MyFile.csv",
"size": 1024,
"appId": "f34b91a1-0dc3-44ac-a847-51cb84122c84",
"folder": true,
"actions": [
"ownerId": "lDL4DIINndhL_iJkcbqWyJenuwizP-2D",
"spaceId": "617979737a9f56e49dea2e6e",
"baseName": "MyFile.csv",
"folderId": "ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"folderPath": "some/folder",
"createdDate": "2020-07-07T20:52:40.8534780Z",
"folderStats": {
"totalFileCount": 50,
"directFileCount": 50,
"totalFolderCount": 50,
"aggregateFileSize": 10000,
"directFolderCount": 50,
"totalInternalFileCount": 50,
"directInternalFileCount": 50,
"totalAppScopedFileCount": 50,
"directAppScopedFileCount": 50,
"aggregateInternalFileSize": 10000,
"aggregateAppScopedFileSize": 10000
"modifiedDate": "2020-07-07T20:52:40.8534780Z"
Rate limit | Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute) |
Categories | managebuild |
Path Parameters
- idstringRequired
The ID of the data file.
The file was located.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- idstringRequired
The ID for the file or folder.
- qristring
The QRI generated from the datafile or folder's metadata.
- namestringRequired
The full name of the file or folder, including any folder path prefix.
- sizeintegerRequired
The size of the uploaded file, in bytes. 0 if this item represents a folder
- appIdstring
If this file or folder is bound to the lifecycle of a specific app, this is the ID of this app.
- folderboolean
Whether or not this given item represents a folder or a file.
- actionsarray of stringsRequired
The CRUD actions that are allowed on the given data file.
Values may be any of: "read""update""delete""list""change_owner""change_space"
- ownerIdstringRequired
The 'owner' of a file or folder is the user who last uploaded the item's content.
- spaceIdstring
If the file or folder was created in a team space, this is the ID of that space.
- baseNamestring
The name of the file or folder, not including any folder path prefix.
- folderIdstring
If the file or folder resides in a parent folder, this is the parent folder ID. If the file or folder does not reside in a parent folder, this value is null.
- folderPathstring
If the file or folder resides in a parent folder, this is the parent folder path. If the file or folder does not reside in a parent folder, this value is null.
- createdDatestringRequired
The date that the file or folder was created.
- folderStatsobjectRequired
folderStats properties
- totalFileCountintegerRequired
The number of data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directFileCountintegerRequired
The number of data files that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- totalFolderCountintegerRequired
The number of folders that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- aggregateFileSizeintegerRequired
The sum of the file sizes, in bytes, of all data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directFolderCountintegerRequired
The number of sub-folders that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- totalInternalFileCountintegerRequired
The number of 'internal' data files (IE, those that are not visible to end users by default) that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directInternalFileCountintegerRequired
The number of 'internal' data files (IE, those that are not visible to end users by default) that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- totalAppScopedFileCountintegerRequired
The number of app-scoped data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directAppScopedFileCountintegerRequired
The number of app-scoped data files that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- aggregateInternalFileSizeintegerRequired
The sum of the file sizes, in bytes, of all internal data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- aggregateAppScopedFileSizeintegerRequired
The sum of the file sizes, in bytes, of all app-scoped data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- modifiedDatestring
The date that the updated file or folder was last modified.
Bad Request
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
A data file with the specified ID was not found.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
curl "{id}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-files/{id}',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
qlik data-file get <data-fileId>
"id": "ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"qri": "qri:qdf:space://ooSOGoLLaq7EMaSdSsCiGvLwcd_VAf1oU0mzwSfp_Qs#wME89c8gKu_Tpz8W_a0JKSbKC4hzbNu0NLVgqi2UFS0",
"name": "some/folder/MyFile.csv",
"size": 1024,
"appId": "f34b91a1-0dc3-44ac-a847-51cb84122c84",
"folder": true,
"actions": [
"ownerId": "lDL4DIINndhL_iJkcbqWyJenuwizP-2D",
"spaceId": "617979737a9f56e49dea2e6e",
"baseName": "MyFile.csv",
"folderId": "ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"folderPath": "some/folder",
"createdDate": "2020-07-07T20:52:40.8534780Z",
"folderStats": {
"totalFileCount": 50,
"directFileCount": 50,
"totalFolderCount": 50,
"aggregateFileSize": 10000,
"directFolderCount": 50,
"totalInternalFileCount": 50,
"directInternalFileCount": 50,
"totalAppScopedFileCount": 50,
"directAppScopedFileCount": 50,
"aggregateInternalFileSize": 10000,
"aggregateAppScopedFileSize": 10000
"modifiedDate": "2020-07-07T20:52:40.8534780Z"
Rate limit | Special (800 requests per minute) |
Categories | managebuild |
Path Parameters
- idstringRequired
The ID of the data file to update.
Request Body
- multipart/form-dataobject
multipart/form-data properties
- Filestring
IFormFile form multipart/form-data
- Jsonobject
See PutDataFileRequest schema which defines request structure. See model.
Json properties
- namestring
Name that will be given to the file or folder. If this name is different than the name used when the file or folder was last POSTed or PUT, this will result in a rename of the file or folder. It should be noted that the '/' character in a data file name indicates a 'path' separator in a logical folder hierarchy for the name. Names that contain '/'s should be used with the assumption that a logical 'folder hierarchy' is being defined for the full pathname of that file or folder.. '/' is a significant character in the data file or folder name.
- appIdstring
If this file should be bound to the lifecycle of a specific app, this is the ID of this app. If this request is creating a folder, the specification of an app ID is not allowed.
- folderIdstring
If the specified file or folder should be created as a sub-item of an existing folder, this is the ID of this parent folder. Any additional folder path that is present on the Name property will be created as a subfolder hierarchy of this folder. If the FolderID is null, the file or folder specified in the Name property (including any folder prefix on that name), will be created in the root of the space.
- sourceIdstring
If a SourceId is specified, this is the ID of the existing data file or folder whose content should be copied into the specified data file or folder. That is, for a file instead of the file content being specified in the Data element, it is effectively copied from an existing, previously uploaded file. For a folder, it's contents are copied from an existing, previously created folder. If there it existing content in the target folder, then how the source and target folder contents are merged together is specified in the FolderMergeBehavior option.
- connectionIdstring
If present, this is the DataFiles connection points to the space that the file or folder should reside in. If absent, the default is that the file or folder will reside in the Personal SPce. If the DataFiles connection is different from the one specified when the file or folder was last POSTed or PUT, this will result in a logical move of this file or folder into the new space.
- tempContentFileIdstring
If a TempContentFileId is specified, this is the ID of a previously uploaded temporary content file whose content should be copied into the specified data file. That is, instead of the file content being specified in the Data element, it is effectively copied from an existing, previously uploaded file. The expectation is that this file was previously uploaded to the temporary content service, and the ID specified here is the one returned from the temp content upload request.
- folderMergeBehaviorstring
If a SourceId is specified, and a folder is being updated by this PUT operation, this specifies how the source folder contents should be applied to the target folder, if the target folder is not empty. 'merge' implies the contents of the source folder should be merged with the existing target contents. That is, all existing direct or indirect child items in the target folder are replaced by the same items in the source folder. All existing items in the target folder that are not present in the source folder are left, as is, in the target. 'replace' implies the contents of the source folder should replace the contents of the target folder. That is, all direct or indirect items in the target folder are removed before the items from the source folder are copied over. The resulting target folder only contains the items from the source folder. If not specified, the default behavior is 'merge'.
Can be one of: "merge""replace"
The file or folder was updated.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- idstringRequired
The ID for the file or folder.
- qristring
The QRI generated from the datafile or folder's metadata.
- namestringRequired
The full name of the file or folder, including any folder path prefix.
- sizeintegerRequired
The size of the uploaded file, in bytes. 0 if this item represents a folder
- appIdstring
If this file or folder is bound to the lifecycle of a specific app, this is the ID of this app.
- folderboolean
Whether or not this given item represents a folder or a file.
- actionsarray of stringsRequired
The CRUD actions that are allowed on the given data file.
Values may be any of: "read""update""delete""list""change_owner""change_space"
- ownerIdstringRequired
The 'owner' of a file or folder is the user who last uploaded the item's content.
- spaceIdstring
If the file or folder was created in a team space, this is the ID of that space.
- baseNamestring
The name of the file or folder, not including any folder path prefix.
- folderIdstring
If the file or folder resides in a parent folder, this is the parent folder ID. If the file or folder does not reside in a parent folder, this value is null.
- folderPathstring
If the file or folder resides in a parent folder, this is the parent folder path. If the file or folder does not reside in a parent folder, this value is null.
- createdDatestringRequired
The date that the file or folder was created.
- folderStatsobjectRequired
folderStats properties
- totalFileCountintegerRequired
The number of data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directFileCountintegerRequired
The number of data files that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- totalFolderCountintegerRequired
The number of folders that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- aggregateFileSizeintegerRequired
The sum of the file sizes, in bytes, of all data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directFolderCountintegerRequired
The number of sub-folders that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- totalInternalFileCountintegerRequired
The number of 'internal' data files (IE, those that are not visible to end users by default) that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directInternalFileCountintegerRequired
The number of 'internal' data files (IE, those that are not visible to end users by default) that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- totalAppScopedFileCountintegerRequired
The number of app-scoped data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directAppScopedFileCountintegerRequired
The number of app-scoped data files that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- aggregateInternalFileSizeintegerRequired
The sum of the file sizes, in bytes, of all internal data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- aggregateAppScopedFileSizeintegerRequired
The sum of the file sizes, in bytes, of all app-scoped data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- modifiedDatestring
The date that the updated file or folder was last modified.
Bad Request
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
A data file or folder with the specified ID was not found.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
If the file or folder was renamed during the update, a file or folder with the new name already exists. Also, if the space that the file or folder resides in was changed as part of the update, a file or folder with the same name already resides in the new space.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
The file exceeds the user's quota for maximum file size to upload.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
The file is already locked for read or write by another client. If a folder is being updated, then if any file or folder in the subfolder hierarchy of this folder is already locked for write.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
curl "{id}" \
-X PUT \
-H "Content-type: multipart/form-data" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-F "File=@/path/to/file" \
-F "Json={\"name\":\"some/folder/MyFile.csv\",\"appId\":\"f34b91a1-0dc3-44ac-a847-51cb84122c84\",\"folderId\":\"ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc\",\"sourceId\":\"f34b91a1-0dc3-44ac-a847-51cb84122c84\",\"connectionId\":\"ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc\",\"tempContentFileId\":\"624b0f54459f1c00018dade4\",\"folderMergeBehavior\":\"merge\"}"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify({"File":"string","Json":{"name":"some/folder/MyFile.csv","appId":"f34b91a1-0dc3-44ac-a847-51cb84122c84","folderId":"ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc","sourceId":"f34b91a1-0dc3-44ac-a847-51cb84122c84","connectionId":"ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc","tempContentFileId":"624b0f54459f1c00018dade4","folderMergeBehavior":"merge"}})
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-files/{id}',
'method': 'PUT',
'headers': {
'Content-type': 'multipart/form-data',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
qlik data-file update <data-fileId>
"File": "string",
"Json": {
"name": "some/folder/MyFile.csv",
"appId": "f34b91a1-0dc3-44ac-a847-51cb84122c84",
"folderId": "ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"sourceId": "f34b91a1-0dc3-44ac-a847-51cb84122c84",
"connectionId": "ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"tempContentFileId": "624b0f54459f1c00018dade4",
"folderMergeBehavior": "merge"
"id": "ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"qri": "qri:qdf:space://ooSOGoLLaq7EMaSdSsCiGvLwcd_VAf1oU0mzwSfp_Qs#wME89c8gKu_Tpz8W_a0JKSbKC4hzbNu0NLVgqi2UFS0",
"name": "some/folder/MyFile.csv",
"size": 1024,
"appId": "f34b91a1-0dc3-44ac-a847-51cb84122c84",
"folder": true,
"actions": [
"ownerId": "lDL4DIINndhL_iJkcbqWyJenuwizP-2D",
"spaceId": "617979737a9f56e49dea2e6e",
"baseName": "MyFile.csv",
"folderId": "ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"folderPath": "some/folder",
"createdDate": "2020-07-07T20:52:40.8534780Z",
"folderStats": {
"totalFileCount": 50,
"directFileCount": 50,
"totalFolderCount": 50,
"aggregateFileSize": 10000,
"directFolderCount": 50,
"totalInternalFileCount": 50,
"directInternalFileCount": 50,
"totalAppScopedFileCount": 50,
"directAppScopedFileCount": 50,
"aggregateInternalFileSize": 10000,
"aggregateAppScopedFileSize": 10000
"modifiedDate": "2020-07-07T20:52:40.8534780Z"
Delete the specified data file or folder. Deleting a folder will also recursively delete all files and subfolders that reside within the specified folder.
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories | managebuild |
Path Parameters
- idstringRequired
The ID of the data file or folder to delete.
The file or folder was deleted.
Bad Request
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
A data file or folder with the specified ID was not found.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
curl "{id}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-files/{id}',
'method': 'DELETE',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
qlik data-file rm <data-fileId>
This is primarily an admin type of operation. In general, the owner of a data file or folder is implicitly set as part of a create or update operation. For data files or folders that reside in a personal space, changing the owner has the effect of moving the data file to the new owner's personal space. Note that, If a given file or folder is not in the root of a personal space, this operation will not succeed, since the parent folder does not reside in the target owner's personal space. If the owner of a folder in the root of a personal space is changed, the owner of all subfolders and files within those subfolders will also recursively change.
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories | managebuild |
Path Parameters
- idstringRequired
The ID of the data file or folder whose owner will be updated.
Request Body
The request.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- ownerIdstringRequired
The ID of the new owner.
The file or folder's owner was changed.
An owner with the specified ID does not exist.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
The user does not have permission to modify the specified data file or folder, or if the item does not reside in the root of the space.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
A data file or folder with the specified ID was not found.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
If the file or folder is in a personal space, and the personal space of the new owner already has an item in the space with the same name as the item being moved.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
The file or folder is already locked for write by another client. For folders, any write lock on a subfolder or file underneath this folder implies a lock on the folder.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
curl "{id}/actions/change-owner" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d '{"ownerId":"lDL4DIINndhL_iJkcbqWyJenuwizP-2D"}'
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify({"ownerId":"lDL4DIINndhL_iJkcbqWyJenuwizP-2D"})
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-files/{id}/actions/change-owner',
'method': 'POST',
'headers': {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
qlik data-file change-owner <data-fileId> \
"ownerId": "lDL4DIINndhL_iJkcbqWyJenuwizP-2D"
This is to allow for a separate admin type of operation that is more global in terms of access in cases where admin users may not explicitly have been granted full access to a given space within the declared space-level permissions. If the space ID is set to null, then the datafile or folder will end up residing in the personal space of the user who is the owner of the item. Note that, if a given file or folder is not in the root of a given space, this operation will not succeed, since the parent folder does not reside in the target space. If the space of a folder in the root of the source space is changed, all subfolders and files within those subfolders will also recursively be moved to the new space.
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories | managebuild |
Path Parameters
- idstringRequired
The ID of the data file or folder whose space will be updated.
Request Body
The request.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- spaceIdstring
The ID of the space. If null, this data file will be moved to the user's personal space.
The file or folder's space was changed.
A space with the specified ID does not exist.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
The user does not have permission to modify the specified data file or folder, or if the item does not reside in the root of the space.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
A data file or folder with the specified ID was not found.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
If there is a file or folder in the target space with the same name as the item being moved.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
The file is already locked for write by another client. For folders, any write lock on a subfolder or file underneath this folder implies a lock on the folder.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
curl "{id}/actions/change-space" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d '{"spaceId":"617979737a9f56e49dea2e6e"}'
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify({"spaceId":"617979737a9f56e49dea2e6e"})
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-files/{id}/actions/change-space',
'method': 'POST',
'headers': {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
qlik data-file change-space <data-fileId> \
"spaceId": "617979737a9f56e49dea2e6e"
This is to allow for a separate admin type of operation that is more global in terms of access in cases where admin users may not explicitly have been granted full access to a given space within the declared space-level permissions. If the space ID is set to null, then the data file or folder will end up residing in the personal space of the user who is the owner of the item.
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories | managebuild |
Request Body
The batch of IDs for each data file in the batch whose space will be changed along with the space IDs for each change.
Specifies the list of data file change space operations in a single batch.
- application/jsonobject
Specifies the list of data file change space operations in a single batch.
application/json properties
- change-spacearray of objectsRequired
The list of data files to delete.
change-space properties
- idstringRequired
The ID of the data file whose space will be changed.
- spaceIdstring
The ID of the new space. Passing in a null will result in the data file being moved to the user's personal space.
The result status of the change space operations on each specified data file.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- dataarray of objectsRequired
List of individual results for the items in the specified batch.
data properties
- idstringRequired
The unique identifier of the file.
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
- statusintegerRequired
The HTTP status code.
Bad Request
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
curl "" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d '{"change-space":[{"id":"ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc","spaceId":"617979737a9f56e49dea2e6e"}]}'
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify({"change-space":[{"id":"ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc","spaceId":"617979737a9f56e49dea2e6e"}]})
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-files/actions/change-space',
'method': 'POST',
'headers': {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"change-space": [
"id": "ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"spaceId": "617979737a9f56e49dea2e6e"
"data": [
"id": "ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"code": "HTTP-200",
"title": "Cursor not formatted correctly.",
"detail": "Invalid encoding of cursor.",
"status": 400
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories | managebuild |
Request Body
The specification of the batch of data files and folders to delete.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- deletearray of objectsRequired
If specified, the explicit list of data files to delete.
delete properties
- idstringRequired
The ID of the data file to delete.
- deleteAllBySpacearray of objects
If specified, attempt to delete all of the data files from the specified shared spaces.
deleteAllBySpace properties
- idstringRequired
The ID of the space whose data files will be deleted.
- deleteAllFromPersonalSpaceboolean
If specified, attempt to delete all of the datafiles from ther user's personal space.
The result status of the delete operations on each specified data file or folder.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- dataarray of objectsRequired
List of individual results for the items in the specified batch.
data properties
- idstringRequired
The unique identifier of the file.
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
- statusintegerRequired
The HTTP status code.
Bad Request
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
curl "" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d '{"delete":[{"id":"ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc"}],"deleteAllBySpace":[{"id":"617979737a9f56e49dea2e6e"}],"deleteAllFromPersonalSpace":true}'
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify({"delete":[{"id":"ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc"}],"deleteAllBySpace":[{"id":"617979737a9f56e49dea2e6e"}],"deleteAllFromPersonalSpace":true})
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-files/actions/delete',
'method': 'POST',
'headers': {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
qlik data-file delete \
"delete": [
"id": "ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc"
"deleteAllBySpace": [
"id": "617979737a9f56e49dea2e6e"
"deleteAllFromPersonalSpace": true
"data": [
"id": "ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"code": "HTTP-200",
"title": "Cursor not formatted correctly.",
"detail": "Invalid encoding of cursor.",
"status": 400
The non-filtered list contains a set of hardcoded connections, along with one connection per team space that the given user has access to.
Rate limit | Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute) |
Categories | managebuild |
Query Parameters
- appIdstring
If present, get connections with connection strings that are scoped to the given app ID.
- includeSpaceStatsboolean
If set to true, include computed space-level statistics for the spaces represented by the connections in the returned list. If false, this information is not returned.
- limitinteger
If present, the maximum number of data file connection records to return.
- namestring
If present, only return connections with the given name.
- pagestring
If present, the cursor that starts the page of data that is returned.
- personalboolean
If true, only return the connections that access data in a personal space. Default is false.
- sortstring
The name of the field used to sort the result. By default, the sort is ascending. Putting a '+' prefix on the sort field name explicitly indicates ascending sort order. A '-' prefix indicates a descending sort order.
Can be one of: "spaceId""+spaceId""-spaceId"
- spaceIdstring
If present, only return the connection that accesses data files in the specified space.
Connection list was returned.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- dataarray of objectsRequired
Properties of the connections to the tenant spaces.
data properties
- idstringRequired
The unique identifier of the connection.
- namestringRequired
The name of the connection.
- typestringRequired
The type of the connection.
- spaceIdstring
The team space that the given connection is associated with. If null, the connection is not associated with any specific team space.
- spaceStatsobject
spaceStats properties
- totalFileCountintegerRequired
The number of data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directFileCountintegerRequired
The number of data files that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- totalFolderCountintegerRequired
The number of folders that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- aggregateFileSizeintegerRequired
The sum of the file sizes, in bytes, of all data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directFolderCountintegerRequired
The number of sub-folders that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- totalInternalFileCountintegerRequired
The number of 'internal' data files (IE, those that are not visible to end users by default) that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directInternalFileCountintegerRequired
The number of 'internal' data files (IE, those that are not visible to end users by default) that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- totalAppScopedFileCountintegerRequired
The number of app-scoped data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directAppScopedFileCountintegerRequired
The number of app-scoped data files that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- aggregateInternalFileSizeintegerRequired
The sum of the file sizes, in bytes, of all internal data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- aggregateAppScopedFileSizeintegerRequired
The sum of the file sizes, in bytes, of all app-scoped data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- connectStatementstringRequired
The connect statement that will be passed to the connector when invoked.
- linksobjectRequired
links properties
- nextobjectRequired
next properties
- hrefstring
The URL for the link.
- prevobjectRequired
prev properties
- hrefstring
The URL for the link.
- selfobjectRequired
self properties
- hrefstring
The URL for the link.
Bad Request
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-files/connections',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
qlik data-file connection ls
"data": [
"id": "ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"name": "DataFiles",
"type": "qix-datafiles.exe",
"spaceId": "617979737a9f56e49dea2e6e",
"spaceStats": {
"totalFileCount": 50,
"directFileCount": 50,
"totalFolderCount": 50,
"aggregateFileSize": 10000,
"directFolderCount": 50,
"totalInternalFileCount": 50,
"directInternalFileCount": 50,
"totalAppScopedFileCount": 50,
"directAppScopedFileCount": 50,
"aggregateInternalFileSize": 10000,
"aggregateAppScopedFileSize": 10000
"connectStatement": "CUSTOM CONNECT TO \\\"provider=qix-datafiles.exe;path=mydatafiles;\\\""
"links": {
"next": {
"href": "string"
"prev": {
"href": "string"
"self": {
"href": "string"
Rate limit | Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute) |
Categories | managebuild |
Path Parameters
- idstringRequired
The ID of the connection.
The connection was returned.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- idstringRequired
The unique identifier of the connection.
- namestringRequired
The name of the connection.
- typestringRequired
The type of the connection.
- spaceIdstring
The team space that the given connection is associated with. If null, the connection is not associated with any specific team space.
- spaceStatsobject
spaceStats properties
- totalFileCountintegerRequired
The number of data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directFileCountintegerRequired
The number of data files that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- totalFolderCountintegerRequired
The number of folders that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- aggregateFileSizeintegerRequired
The sum of the file sizes, in bytes, of all data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directFolderCountintegerRequired
The number of sub-folders that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- totalInternalFileCountintegerRequired
The number of 'internal' data files (IE, those that are not visible to end users by default) that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directInternalFileCountintegerRequired
The number of 'internal' data files (IE, those that are not visible to end users by default) that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- totalAppScopedFileCountintegerRequired
The number of app-scoped data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- directAppScopedFileCountintegerRequired
The number of app-scoped data files that reside as direct children of the given folder.
- aggregateInternalFileSizeintegerRequired
The sum of the file sizes, in bytes, of all internal data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- aggregateAppScopedFileSizeintegerRequired
The sum of the file sizes, in bytes, of all app-scoped data files that reside as direct and indirect children of the given folder and it's sub-folder hierarchy.
- connectStatementstringRequired
The connect statement that will be passed to the connector when invoked.
The space referenced by the specified connection was not found, or is not accessible to the current user.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
A connection with the specified ID was not found.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
curl "{id}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-files/connections/{id}',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
qlik data-file connection get <connectionId>
"id": "ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"name": "DataFiles",
"type": "qix-datafiles.exe",
"spaceId": "617979737a9f56e49dea2e6e",
"spaceStats": {
"totalFileCount": 50,
"directFileCount": 50,
"totalFolderCount": 50,
"aggregateFileSize": 10000,
"directFolderCount": 50,
"totalInternalFileCount": 50,
"directInternalFileCount": 50,
"totalAppScopedFileCount": 50,
"directAppScopedFileCount": 50,
"aggregateInternalFileSize": 10000,
"aggregateAppScopedFileSize": 10000
"connectStatement": "CUSTOM CONNECT TO \\\"provider=qix-datafiles.exe;path=mydatafiles;\\\""
Rate limit | Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute) |
Categories | managebuild |
The quota information was retrieved.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- sizeintegerRequired
The current aggregate size of all files uploaded by a given user. If the current aggregate size is greater than the maximum aggregate size, this is a quota violation.
- maxSizeintegerRequired
The maximum aggregate size of all files uploaded by a given user.
- maxFileSizeintegerRequired
Maximum allowable size of an uploaded file.
- maxLargeFileSizeintegerRequired
Maximum allowable size for a single uploaded large data file (in bytes). This is a file that was indirectly uploaded using the temp content service chunked upload capability.
- allowedExtensionsarray of stringsRequired
The allowed file extensions on files that are uploaded.
- allowedInternalExtensionsarray of stringsRequired
The allowed file extensions for files that are only used internally by the system (and thus not typically shown to end users).
Bad Request
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objectsRequired
List of errors and their properties.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
Fine-grained error codes for data-files REST operations. For operations which do not have a more fine-grained error code, the error code is set to the HTTP status code.
- DF-001 - The page cursor passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-002 - The sort specification passed as a parameter to the GET operation is invalid.
- DF-003 - FolderPath and FolderId are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be passed as parameters.
- DF-004 - The provided FolderPath must be in canonical form.
- DF-005 - The specified parent folder cannot be found.
- DF-006 - The specified owner cannot be found.
- DF-007 - A connection corresponding to the specified space cannot be found.
- DF-008 - THe specified ID must correspond to a folder, not a file.
- DF-009 - The specified space cannot be found.
- DF-010 - The specified file name contains an invalid file extension.
- DF-011 - The specified file name is missing a file extension.
- DF-012 - The specified temporary content file could not be found.
- DF-013 - Access to the specified space is forbidden.
- DF-014 - The specified connection cannot be found.
- DF-015 - The provided filename must be in canonical form.
- DF-016 - The datafile size quota for the given personal space has been exceeded.
- DF-017 - The specified source file or folder could not be found.
- DF-018 - The source and target of a datafile operation must either both be folders or both be files, but they are not.
- DF-019 - The specified target folder is a child of the specified source folder, which is not allowed.
- DF-020 - The specified folder does not exist in the specified space.
- DF-021 - The specified source file or folder is already locked.
- DF-022 - The automatic creation of a missing parent folder failed.
- DF-023 - An attempt to lock a parent folder of a given data file item failed.
- DF-024 - The attempt to copy a source file or folder to a target failed.
- DF-025 - The specified target file or folder is already locked.
- DF-026 - The request results in the creation of a folder hierarchy which is beyond the max allowed folder hierarchy depth.
Can be one of: "HTTP-200""HTTP-201""HTTP-204""HTTP-400""HTTP-403""HTTP-404""HTTP-409""HTTP-413""HTTP-423""HTTP-500""HTTP-501""HTTP-503""DF-001""DF-002""DF-003""DF-004""DF-005""DF-006""DF-007""DF-008""DF-009""DF-010""DF-011""DF-012""DF-013""DF-014""DF-015""DF-016""DF-017""DF-018""DF-019""DF-020""DF-021""DF-022""DF-023""DF-024""DF-025""DF-026"
- titlestring
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-files/quotas',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
qlik data-file quotas
"size": 5000,
"maxSize": 9223372036854776000,
"maxFileSize": 524288000,
"maxLargeFileSize": 6442450944,
"allowedExtensions": [
"allowedInternalExtensions": [