Data alerts
Supports chart sharing, chart monitoring and alerting features. The legacy sharing APIs refer to chart sharing and chart monitoring, which is a feature that allows the user to send an e-mail with an embedded chart either manually (chart sharing) or in a recurring manner (chart monitoring). It also stores the history related to these actions. The alerting/ data-alerts APIs support the alerting feature, where a user is able to create alerts that trigger notifications in case a condition in the dataset of an app is fulfilled.
- GET/v1/data-alerts
- POST/v1/data-alerts
- GET/v1/data-alerts/{alertId}
- PATCH/v1/data-alerts/{alertId}
- DELETE/v1/data-alerts/{alertId}
- GET/v1/data-alerts/{alertId}/condition
- GET/v1/data-alerts/{alertId}/executions/{executionId}
- DELETE/v1/data-alerts/{alertId}/executions/{executionId}
- GET/v1/data-alerts/{alertId}/recipient-stats
- GET/v1/data-alerts/{taskId}/executions
- GET/v1/data-alerts/{taskId}/executions/{executionId}/evaluations
- GET/v1/data-alerts/{taskId}/executions/stats
- POST/v1/data-alerts/actions/trigger
- POST/v1/data-alerts/actions/validate
- GET/v1/data-alerts/settings
- PUT/v1/data-alerts/settings
Rate limit | Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute) |
Categories | manage |
Query Parameters
- appIDstring
The app ID you would like to filter by
- conditionIdstring
The conditionId you would like to filter by
- limitinteger
Limit the returned result set
- nextstring
The cursor to the next page of data. Only one of next or previous may be specified.
- offsetinteger
Offset for finding a list of entities - used for pagination
- ownerIdstring
The id of the owner you would like to filter by
- ownerNamestring
The name of the owner you would like to filter by
- prevstring
The cursor to the previous page of data. Only one of next or previous may be specified.
- rolearray of strings
The role you would like to filter by
Values may be any of: "owner""recipient""notowner"
- sortarray of strings
Sort the returned result set by the specified field
Values may be any of: "-datecreated""datecreated""+datecreated""-ownername""ownername""+ownername""lasttrigger""-lasttrigger""+lasttrigger""lastscan""-lastscan""+lastscan""name""-name""+name""enabled""-enabled""+enabled""status""-status""+status""nextexecutiontime""-nextexecutiontime""+nextexecutiontime"
- statusarray of strings
The status you would like to filter by
The alerting tasks list has been successfully returned.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- totalCountintegerRequired
total count of entries in the collection as a whole
- currentPageCountintegerRequired
count of entries on the currently shown page
- linksobject
links properties
- nextobject
next properties
- hrefstring
URL to particular set of elements
- typestring
Page type, can be next or prev
Can be one of: "prev""next"
- tokenstring
Page unique token
- prevobject
prev properties
- hrefstring
URL to particular set of elements
- typestring
Page type, can be next or prev
Can be one of: "prev""next"
- tokenstring
Page unique token
- selfobject
Object with Href to a particular element or set of elements
self properties
- hrefstring
- tasksarray of objects
Gets a list of alerting tasks.
tasks properties
- idstring
data alerting identifier (this is the alertID)
- namestring
name associated to alerting task
- appIdstring
appId associated to this alert definition
- linksobject
links properties
- selfobject
Object with Href to a particular element or set of elements
self properties
- hrefstring
- statusstring
particular status of the alerting task
Can be one of: "creating""deleting"
- enabledboolean
true if the alerting task is enabled
- ownerIdstring
the owner of this alert
- sheetIdstring
sheetId associated to this alert definition
- lastScanstring
last time a trigger was detected, but not sure if executed for requesting user
- tenantIdstring
the tenant of this alert
- ownerNamestring
the owner name of this alert
- accessModestring
- bookmarkIdstring
bookmarkId associated to this alert definition
- recipientsobject
List of recipients. An internal recipient is represented by either their user id or group id.
recipients properties
- DLUsersarray
- userIdsarray of objectsRequired
an internal recipient based on its user id.
userIds properties
- valuestring
User ID of recipient (internal user).
- groupsarray of strings
A list of associated groups. If a user is added individually the "addedIndividually" pseudo group is included
- enabledboolean
Whether this recipient can receive alerts.
- subscribedboolean
Whether this recipient is subscribed to alerts of a task
- taskRecipientErrorsarray of objects
taskRecipientErrors properties
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on sharing task specific for recipient
- timestampstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- alertingTaskRecipientErrorsarray of objects
alertingTaskRecipientErrors properties
- addedstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on alerting task
- DLGroupsarray
- DLListIdstring
- groupIdsarray of objects
an internal recipient based on its group id.
groupIds properties
- valuestring
Group ID of recipient.
- enabledboolean
Whether this recipient can receive alerts.
- taskGroupRecipientErrorsarray of objects
taskGroupRecipientErrors properties
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on sharing task specific for group recipient
- timestampstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- alertingTaskGroupRecipientErrorsarray of objects
alertingTaskGroupRecipientErrors properties
- addedstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on alerting task
- throttlingobject
The rules and setup for throttling
throttling properties
- capacityinteger
the maximum number of tokens that the bucket can contain
- timezonestring
the timezone for time calculations in this throttlingresource, for current time and time reference.
- replenishRateinteger
the amount of tokens to insert into the bucket on the specified interval. (tokens exceeding capacity are discarded)
- recurrenceRulestring
A string that supports a subset of RFC5545 recurrence rule directives.
- initialTokenCountinteger
the initial amount of tokens in the bucket upon creation. cannot exceed capacity.
- referenceTimestampstring
a date and time reference specified in RFC3339 format
- conditionIdstring
the id of the condition that determines if this data alert should be triggered
- dateCreatedstring
Timestamp for the creation of the task (rfc3339 format)
- descriptionstring
description associated to alerting task
- errorStatusstring
error labels from the latest workflow that happened within the task
- lastTriggerstring
last time an execution had been created for requesting user
- lastUpdatedstring
Timestamp of the most recent update.
- triggerTypestring
Type of job that triggered the task
- triggerStatsobjectRequired
triggerStats properties
- totalScansintegerRequired
The number of scans for the current condition.
- last10ScansintegerRequired
The number of triggers out of the last 10 scans for the current condition.
- last100ScansintegerRequired
The number of triggers out of the last 100 scans for the current condition.
- hideSelectionsboolean
Whether the selection needs to be hidden.
- evaluationCountinteger
the number of actual evaluations with engine this task has consumed in the current month
- scheduleOptionsobject
scheduleOptions properties
- timezonestring
The timezone for time calculations in SCHEDULED triggers, optional.
- recurrencearray of strings
List of RRULEs for SCHEDULED triggers, as specified in RFC5545. Note that DTSTART and DTEND, UNTIL lines are not allowed in this field; start and end times are specified in the start and end fields. RDATE and EXDATE lines are not currently supported. EXRULE is not supported since it is deprecated by RFC5545. It is mandatory if the trigger type is SCHEDULED. At least 1 rule must be set and maximum 5 rules are allowed.
- endDateTimestring
EndDateTime is a local date time with respect to the above timezone parameter. If the timezone parameter is missing, then the timezone used is the one retrieved from user infos. Therefore ISO8601 time offsets are not allowed (e.g. "2026-01-02T16:04:05Z" or "2026-01-02T16:04:05+01"), if passed an error will be returned. EndDateTime is an optional parameter, when not set or when it's an empty string, the recurrence is intended to be never ending.
- chronosJobIDstring
The chronos job identifier. It is set once the related chronos job is created.
- startDateTimestring
StartDateTime is a local date time with respect to the above timezone parameter. If the timezone parameter is missing, then the timezone used is the one retrieved from user infos. Therefore ISO8601 time offsets are not allowed (e.g. "2026-01-02T16:04:05Z" or "2026-01-02T16:04:05+01"), if passed an error will be returned. StartDateTime should not be older than 1 year from current date. StartDateTime is an optional parameter, when not set or when it's an empty string, its value is set to the current local date time.
- lastExecutionTimestring
lastExecutionTime is the time of the chronos job last execution in RFC3339 format (a time with a fixed UTC offset). Could be empty if job has not run yet.
- nextExecutionTimestring
nextExecutionTime is the time of the chronos job next execution in RFC3339 format (a time with a fixed UTC offset). Could be empty if the job is completed.
- subscriptionIdsarray of strings
list of subscriptions related to this alerting task
- absoluteLastScanstring
last time a trigger was detected, but not sure if executed
- conditionResponseobject
Should reference ConditionResponse type in condition-manager api docs
- alertingTaskErrorsarray of objects
alertingTaskErrors properties
- addedstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on alerting task
- absoluteLastTriggerstring
last time an execution had been created
- hasHistoryConditionboolean
true if the alert has history condition enabled
- lastExecutionStatusstring
Can be one of: "OK""FAILED"
- recipientsChangeHistoryarray of objects
Change in a recipient for an alerting task
recipientsChangeHistory properties
- dateTimestring
time of recipient state change
- patchActionarray of objects
A custom custom JSON Patch document, as an array of objects with operation, recipient type and value. Original defined in
patchAction properties
- opstringRequired
The operation to be performed.
Can be one of: "remove""add""replace""enable""disable""subscribe""unsubscribe"
- valueobjectRequired
The value to be used for this operation.
- recipientTypestringRequired
Defines the path for the given resource field to patch.
Can be one of: "userid""groupid"
- lastEvaluationCountUpdatestring
the date when the evaluation count was updated
Bad request, malformed syntax or errors in parameters.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Internal server error.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Error response.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-alerts',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"totalCount": 42,
"currentPageCount": 42,
"links": {
"next": {
"href": "http://localhost:8787/v1/items?limit=12",
"type": "next",
"prev": {
"href": "http://localhost:8787/v1/items?limit=12",
"type": "next",
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8787/v1/items/5da5825325dc9a0dd0260af9"
"tasks": [
"id": "5da5825325dc9a0dd0260af9",
"name": "string",
"appId": "string",
"links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8787/v1/items/5da5825325dc9a0dd0260af9"
"status": "creating",
"enabled": true,
"ownerId": "string",
"sheetId": "string",
"lastScan": "string",
"tenantId": "string",
"ownerName": "string",
"accessMode": "SOURCE_ACCESS",
"bookmarkId": "string",
"recipients": {
"DLUsers": [],
"userIds": [
"value": "1b263bs8m0mm_s21s3f",
"groups": [
"enabled": true,
"subscribed": true,
"taskRecipientErrors": [
"value": "USER_IS_DELETED",
"timestamp": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z"
"alertingTaskRecipientErrors": [
"added": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
"value": "USER_IS_DELETED"
"DLGroups": [],
"DLListId": "string",
"groupIds": [
"value": "group1",
"enabled": true,
"taskGroupRecipientErrors": [
"timestamp": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z"
"alertingTaskGroupRecipientErrors": [
"added": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
"throttling": {
"capacity": 42,
"timezone": "Etc/UTC",
"replenishRate": 42,
"recurrenceRule": "string",
"initialTokenCount": 42,
"referenceTimestamp": "string"
"conditionId": "string",
"dateCreated": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
"description": "string",
"errorStatus": "OK",
"lastTrigger": "string",
"lastUpdated": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
"triggerType": "RELOAD",
"triggerStats": {
"totalScans": 42,
"last10Scans": 42,
"last100Scans": 42
"hideSelections": true,
"evaluationCount": 42,
"scheduleOptions": {
"timezone": "Canada/Pacific",
"recurrence": [
"endDateTime": "",
"chronosJobID": "string",
"startDateTime": "2006-01-02T16:04:05",
"lastExecutionTime": "2020-11-20T12:00:55.000Z",
"nextExecutionTime": "2020-11-20T12:00:55.000Z"
"subscriptionIds": [
"absoluteLastScan": "string",
"conditionResponse": {},
"alertingTaskErrors": [
"added": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
"absoluteLastTrigger": "string",
"hasHistoryCondition": true,
"lastExecutionStatus": "OK",
"recipientsChangeHistory": [
"dateTime": "string",
"patchAction": [
"op": "add",
"value": {
"value": "recipient-1",
"enabled": true
"recipientType": "userid"
"op": "remove",
"value": "I6mWVd60wRWIbOXZr1ZKV8QTnxhnitb",
"recipientType": "userid"
"op": "enable",
"value": "I6mWVd60wRWIbOXZr1ZKV8QTnxhnitb",
"recipientType": "userid"
"op": "disable",
"value": "I6mWVd60wRWIbOXZr1ZKV8QTnxhnitb",
"recipientType": "userid"
"op": "replace",
"value": [
"value": "recipient-1",
"enabled": true
"value": "recipient-2",
"enabled": false
"recipientType": "userid"
"lastEvaluationCountUpdate": "string"
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories | manage |
Request Body
The alerting task create request definition.
a alerting task (a definition on an alert)
- application/jsonobject
a alerting task (a definition on an alert)
application/json properties
- namestringRequired
name associated to alerting task
- appIdstringRequired
appId associated to this alert definition
- enabledboolean
if the alerting task is enabled
- sheetIdstring
sheetId associated to this alert definition
- bookmarkIdstring
bookmarkId associated to this alert definition
- recipientsobjectRequired
List of recipients. An internal recipient is represented by either their user id or group id.
recipients properties
- DLUsersarray
- userIdsarray of objectsRequired
an internal recipient based on its user id.
userIds properties
- valuestring
User ID of recipient (internal user).
- groupsarray of strings
A list of associated groups. If a user is added individually the "addedIndividually" pseudo group is included
- enabledboolean
Whether this recipient can receive alerts.
- subscribedboolean
Whether this recipient is subscribed to alerts of a task
- taskRecipientErrorsarray of objects
taskRecipientErrors properties
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on sharing task specific for recipient
- timestampstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- alertingTaskRecipientErrorsarray of objects
alertingTaskRecipientErrors properties
- addedstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on alerting task
- DLGroupsarray
- DLListIdstring
- groupIdsarray of objects
an internal recipient based on its group id.
groupIds properties
- valuestring
Group ID of recipient.
- enabledboolean
Whether this recipient can receive alerts.
- taskGroupRecipientErrorsarray of objects
taskGroupRecipientErrors properties
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on sharing task specific for group recipient
- timestampstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- alertingTaskGroupRecipientErrorsarray of objects
alertingTaskGroupRecipientErrors properties
- addedstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on alerting task
- throttlingobject
The rules and setup for throttling
throttling properties
- capacityinteger
the maximum number of tokens that the bucket can contain
- timezonestring
the timezone for time calculations in this throttlingresource, for current time and time reference.
- replenishRateinteger
the amount of tokens to insert into the bucket on the specified interval. (tokens exceeding capacity are discarded)
- recurrenceRulestring
A string that supports a subset of RFC5545 recurrence rule directives.
- initialTokenCountinteger
the initial amount of tokens in the bucket upon creation. cannot exceed capacity.
- referenceTimestampstring
a date and time reference specified in RFC3339 format
- conditionIdstringRequired
the id of the condition that determines if this data alert should be triggered
- descriptionstring
description associated to alerting task
- triggerTypestringRequired
Type of job that triggered the task
Can be one of: "RELOAD""SCHEDULED"
- scheduleOptionsobject
scheduleOptions properties
- timezonestring
The timezone for time calculations in SCHEDULED triggers, optional.
- recurrencearray of strings
List of RRULEs for SCHEDULED triggers, as specified in RFC5545. Note that DTSTART and DTEND, UNTIL lines are not allowed in this field; start and end times are specified in the start and end fields. RDATE and EXDATE lines are not currently supported. EXRULE is not supported since it is deprecated by RFC5545. It is mandatory if the trigger type is SCHEDULED. At least 1 rule must be set and maximum 5 rules are allowed.
- endDateTimestring
EndDateTime is a local date time with respect to the above timezone parameter. If the timezone parameter is missing, then the timezone used is the one retrieved from user infos. Therefore ISO8601 time offsets are not allowed (e.g. "2026-01-02T16:04:05Z" or "2026-01-02T16:04:05+01"), if passed an error will be returned. EndDateTime is an optional parameter, when not set or when it's an empty string, the recurrence is intended to be never ending.
- startDateTimestring
StartDateTime is a local date time with respect to the above timezone parameter. If the timezone parameter is missing, then the timezone used is the one retrieved from user infos. Therefore ISO8601 time offsets are not allowed (e.g. "2026-01-02T16:04:05Z" or "2026-01-02T16:04:05+01"), if passed an error will be returned. StartDateTime should not be older than 1 year from current date. StartDateTime is an optional parameter, when not set or when it's an empty string, its value is set to the current local date time.
Alert creation has been accepted. The alerting task will have status creating, until status is set to either valid or invalid.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- idstring
data alerting identifier (this is the alertID)
- namestring
name associated to alerting task
- appIdstring
appId associated to this alert definition
- linksobject
links properties
- selfobject
Object with Href to a particular element or set of elements
self properties
- hrefstring
- statusstring
particular status of the alerting task
Can be one of: "creating""deleting"
- enabledboolean
true if the alerting task is enabled
- ownerIdstring
the owner of this alert
- sheetIdstring
sheetId associated to this alert definition
- lastScanstring
last time a trigger was detected, but not sure if executed for requesting user
- tenantIdstring
the tenant of this alert
- ownerNamestring
the owner name of this alert
- accessModestring
- bookmarkIdstring
bookmarkId associated to this alert definition
- recipientsobject
List of recipients. An internal recipient is represented by either their user id or group id.
recipients properties
- DLUsersarray
- userIdsarray of objectsRequired
an internal recipient based on its user id.
userIds properties
- valuestring
User ID of recipient (internal user).
- groupsarray of strings
A list of associated groups. If a user is added individually the "addedIndividually" pseudo group is included
- enabledboolean
Whether this recipient can receive alerts.
- subscribedboolean
Whether this recipient is subscribed to alerts of a task
- taskRecipientErrorsarray of objects
taskRecipientErrors properties
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on sharing task specific for recipient
- timestampstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- alertingTaskRecipientErrorsarray of objects
alertingTaskRecipientErrors properties
- addedstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on alerting task
- DLGroupsarray
- DLListIdstring
- groupIdsarray of objects
an internal recipient based on its group id.
groupIds properties
- valuestring
Group ID of recipient.
- enabledboolean
Whether this recipient can receive alerts.
- taskGroupRecipientErrorsarray of objects
taskGroupRecipientErrors properties
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on sharing task specific for group recipient
- timestampstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- alertingTaskGroupRecipientErrorsarray of objects
alertingTaskGroupRecipientErrors properties
- addedstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on alerting task
- throttlingobject
The rules and setup for throttling
throttling properties
- capacityinteger
the maximum number of tokens that the bucket can contain
- timezonestring
the timezone for time calculations in this throttlingresource, for current time and time reference.
- replenishRateinteger
the amount of tokens to insert into the bucket on the specified interval. (tokens exceeding capacity are discarded)
- recurrenceRulestring
A string that supports a subset of RFC5545 recurrence rule directives.
- initialTokenCountinteger
the initial amount of tokens in the bucket upon creation. cannot exceed capacity.
- referenceTimestampstring
a date and time reference specified in RFC3339 format
- conditionIdstring
the id of the condition that determines if this data alert should be triggered
- dateCreatedstring
Timestamp for the creation of the task (rfc3339 format)
- descriptionstring
description associated to alerting task
- errorStatusstring
error labels from the latest workflow that happened within the task
- lastTriggerstring
last time an execution had been created for requesting user
- lastUpdatedstring
Timestamp of the most recent update.
- triggerTypestring
Type of job that triggered the task
- triggerStatsobjectRequired
triggerStats properties
- totalScansintegerRequired
The number of scans for the current condition.
- last10ScansintegerRequired
The number of triggers out of the last 10 scans for the current condition.
- last100ScansintegerRequired
The number of triggers out of the last 100 scans for the current condition.
- hideSelectionsboolean
Whether the selection needs to be hidden.
- evaluationCountinteger
the number of actual evaluations with engine this task has consumed in the current month
- scheduleOptionsobject
scheduleOptions properties
- timezonestring
The timezone for time calculations in SCHEDULED triggers, optional.
- recurrencearray of strings
List of RRULEs for SCHEDULED triggers, as specified in RFC5545. Note that DTSTART and DTEND, UNTIL lines are not allowed in this field; start and end times are specified in the start and end fields. RDATE and EXDATE lines are not currently supported. EXRULE is not supported since it is deprecated by RFC5545. It is mandatory if the trigger type is SCHEDULED. At least 1 rule must be set and maximum 5 rules are allowed.
- endDateTimestring
EndDateTime is a local date time with respect to the above timezone parameter. If the timezone parameter is missing, then the timezone used is the one retrieved from user infos. Therefore ISO8601 time offsets are not allowed (e.g. "2026-01-02T16:04:05Z" or "2026-01-02T16:04:05+01"), if passed an error will be returned. EndDateTime is an optional parameter, when not set or when it's an empty string, the recurrence is intended to be never ending.
- chronosJobIDstring
The chronos job identifier. It is set once the related chronos job is created.
- startDateTimestring
StartDateTime is a local date time with respect to the above timezone parameter. If the timezone parameter is missing, then the timezone used is the one retrieved from user infos. Therefore ISO8601 time offsets are not allowed (e.g. "2026-01-02T16:04:05Z" or "2026-01-02T16:04:05+01"), if passed an error will be returned. StartDateTime should not be older than 1 year from current date. StartDateTime is an optional parameter, when not set or when it's an empty string, its value is set to the current local date time.
- lastExecutionTimestring
lastExecutionTime is the time of the chronos job last execution in RFC3339 format (a time with a fixed UTC offset). Could be empty if job has not run yet.
- nextExecutionTimestring
nextExecutionTime is the time of the chronos job next execution in RFC3339 format (a time with a fixed UTC offset). Could be empty if the job is completed.
- subscriptionIdsarray of strings
list of subscriptions related to this alerting task
- absoluteLastScanstring
last time a trigger was detected, but not sure if executed
- conditionResponseobject
Should reference ConditionResponse type in condition-manager api docs
- alertingTaskErrorsarray of objects
alertingTaskErrors properties
- addedstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on alerting task
- absoluteLastTriggerstring
last time an execution had been created
- hasHistoryConditionboolean
true if the alert has history condition enabled
- lastExecutionStatusstring
Can be one of: "OK""FAILED"
- recipientsChangeHistoryarray of objects
Change in a recipient for an alerting task
recipientsChangeHistory properties
- dateTimestring
time of recipient state change
- patchActionarray of objects
A custom custom JSON Patch document, as an array of objects with operation, recipient type and value. Original defined in
patchAction properties
- opstringRequired
The operation to be performed.
Can be one of: "remove""add""replace""enable""disable""subscribe""unsubscribe"
- valueobjectRequired
The value to be used for this operation.
- recipientTypestringRequired
Defines the path for the given resource field to patch.
Can be one of: "userid""groupid"
- lastEvaluationCountUpdatestring
the date when the evaluation count was updated
Bad request, malformed syntax or errors in parameters.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Internal server error.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Error response.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
curl "" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d '{"name":"string","appId":"string","enabled":true,"sheetId":"string","bookmarkId":"string","recipients":{"DLUsers":[],"userIds":[{"value":"1b263bs8m0mm_s21s3f","groups":["addedIndividually","group1","group2"],"enabled":true,"subscribed":true,"taskRecipientErrors":[{"value":"USER_IS_DELETED","timestamp":"2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z"}],"alertingTaskRecipientErrors":[{"added":"2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z","value":"USER_IS_DELETED"}]}],"DLGroups":[],"DLListId":"string","groupIds":[{"value":"group1","enabled":true,"taskGroupRecipientErrors":[{"value":"GROUP_IS_DISABLED","timestamp":"2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z"}],"alertingTaskGroupRecipientErrors":[{"added":"2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z","value":"GROUP_IS_DISABLED"}]}]},"throttling":{"capacity":42,"timezone":"Etc/UTC","replenishRate":42,"recurrenceRule":"string","initialTokenCount":42,"referenceTimestamp":"string"},"conditionId":"string","description":"string","triggerType":"RELOAD","scheduleOptions":{"timezone":"Canada/Pacific","recurrence":["RRULE:FREQ=HOURLY;INTERVAL=2"],"endDateTime":"","startDateTime":"2006-01-02T16:04:05"}}'
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify({"name":"string","appId":"string","enabled":true,"sheetId":"string","bookmarkId":"string","recipients":{"DLUsers":[],"userIds":[{"value":"1b263bs8m0mm_s21s3f","groups":["addedIndividually","group1","group2"],"enabled":true,"subscribed":true,"taskRecipientErrors":[{"value":"USER_IS_DELETED","timestamp":"2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z"}],"alertingTaskRecipientErrors":[{"added":"2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z","value":"USER_IS_DELETED"}]}],"DLGroups":[],"DLListId":"string","groupIds":[{"value":"group1","enabled":true,"taskGroupRecipientErrors":[{"value":"GROUP_IS_DISABLED","timestamp":"2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z"}],"alertingTaskGroupRecipientErrors":[{"added":"2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z","value":"GROUP_IS_DISABLED"}]}]},"throttling":{"capacity":42,"timezone":"Etc/UTC","replenishRate":42,"recurrenceRule":"string","initialTokenCount":42,"referenceTimestamp":"string"},"conditionId":"string","description":"string","triggerType":"RELOAD","scheduleOptions":{"timezone":"Canada/Pacific","recurrence":["RRULE:FREQ=HOURLY;INTERVAL=2"],"endDateTime":"","startDateTime":"2006-01-02T16:04:05"}})
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-alerts',
'method': 'POST',
'headers': {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"name": "string",
"appId": "string",
"enabled": true,
"sheetId": "string",
"bookmarkId": "string",
"recipients": {
"DLUsers": [],
"userIds": [
"value": "1b263bs8m0mm_s21s3f",
"groups": [
"enabled": true,
"subscribed": true,
"taskRecipientErrors": [
"value": "USER_IS_DELETED",
"timestamp": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z"
"alertingTaskRecipientErrors": [
"added": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
"value": "USER_IS_DELETED"
"DLGroups": [],
"DLListId": "string",
"groupIds": [
"value": "group1",
"enabled": true,
"taskGroupRecipientErrors": [
"timestamp": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z"
"alertingTaskGroupRecipientErrors": [
"added": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
"throttling": {
"capacity": 42,
"timezone": "Etc/UTC",
"replenishRate": 42,
"recurrenceRule": "string",
"initialTokenCount": 42,
"referenceTimestamp": "string"
"conditionId": "string",
"description": "string",
"triggerType": "RELOAD",
"scheduleOptions": {
"timezone": "Canada/Pacific",
"recurrence": [
"endDateTime": "",
"startDateTime": "2006-01-02T16:04:05"
"id": "5da5825325dc9a0dd0260af9",
"name": "string",
"appId": "string",
"links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8787/v1/items/5da5825325dc9a0dd0260af9"
"status": "creating",
"enabled": true,
"ownerId": "string",
"sheetId": "string",
"lastScan": "string",
"tenantId": "string",
"ownerName": "string",
"accessMode": "SOURCE_ACCESS",
"bookmarkId": "string",
"recipients": {
"DLUsers": [],
"userIds": [
"value": "1b263bs8m0mm_s21s3f",
"groups": [
"enabled": true,
"subscribed": true,
"taskRecipientErrors": [
"value": "USER_IS_DELETED",
"timestamp": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z"
"alertingTaskRecipientErrors": [
"added": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
"value": "USER_IS_DELETED"
"DLGroups": [],
"DLListId": "string",
"groupIds": [
"value": "group1",
"enabled": true,
"taskGroupRecipientErrors": [
"timestamp": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z"
"alertingTaskGroupRecipientErrors": [
"added": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
"throttling": {
"capacity": 42,
"timezone": "Etc/UTC",
"replenishRate": 42,
"recurrenceRule": "string",
"initialTokenCount": 42,
"referenceTimestamp": "string"
"conditionId": "string",
"dateCreated": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
"description": "string",
"errorStatus": "OK",
"lastTrigger": "string",
"lastUpdated": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
"triggerType": "RELOAD",
"triggerStats": {
"totalScans": 42,
"last10Scans": 42,
"last100Scans": 42
"hideSelections": true,
"evaluationCount": 42,
"scheduleOptions": {
"timezone": "Canada/Pacific",
"recurrence": [
"endDateTime": "",
"chronosJobID": "string",
"startDateTime": "2006-01-02T16:04:05",
"lastExecutionTime": "2020-11-20T12:00:55.000Z",
"nextExecutionTime": "2020-11-20T12:00:55.000Z"
"subscriptionIds": [
"absoluteLastScan": "string",
"conditionResponse": {},
"alertingTaskErrors": [
"added": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
"absoluteLastTrigger": "string",
"hasHistoryCondition": true,
"lastExecutionStatus": "OK",
"recipientsChangeHistory": [
"dateTime": "string",
"patchAction": [
"op": "add",
"value": {
"value": "recipient-1",
"enabled": true
"recipientType": "userid"
"op": "remove",
"value": "I6mWVd60wRWIbOXZr1ZKV8QTnxhnitb",
"recipientType": "userid"
"op": "enable",
"value": "I6mWVd60wRWIbOXZr1ZKV8QTnxhnitb",
"recipientType": "userid"
"op": "disable",
"value": "I6mWVd60wRWIbOXZr1ZKV8QTnxhnitb",
"recipientType": "userid"
"op": "replace",
"value": [
"value": "recipient-1",
"enabled": true
"value": "recipient-2",
"enabled": false
"recipientType": "userid"
"lastEvaluationCountUpdate": "string"
Rate limit | Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute) |
Categories | manage |
Path Parameters
- alertIdstringRequired
The alerting task identifier.
Alert has been successfully returned.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- idstring
data alerting identifier (this is the alertID)
- namestring
name associated to alerting task
- appIdstring
appId associated to this alert definition
- linksobject
links properties
- selfobject
Object with Href to a particular element or set of elements
self properties
- hrefstring
- statusstring
particular status of the alerting task
Can be one of: "creating""deleting"
- enabledboolean
true if the alerting task is enabled
- ownerIdstring
the owner of this alert
- sheetIdstring
sheetId associated to this alert definition
- lastScanstring
last time a trigger was detected, but not sure if executed for requesting user
- tenantIdstring
the tenant of this alert
- ownerNamestring
the owner name of this alert
- accessModestring
- bookmarkIdstring
bookmarkId associated to this alert definition
- recipientsobject
List of recipients. An internal recipient is represented by either their user id or group id.
recipients properties
- DLUsersarray
- userIdsarray of objectsRequired
an internal recipient based on its user id.
userIds properties
- valuestring
User ID of recipient (internal user).
- groupsarray of strings
A list of associated groups. If a user is added individually the "addedIndividually" pseudo group is included
- enabledboolean
Whether this recipient can receive alerts.
- subscribedboolean
Whether this recipient is subscribed to alerts of a task
- taskRecipientErrorsarray of objects
taskRecipientErrors properties
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on sharing task specific for recipient
- timestampstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- alertingTaskRecipientErrorsarray of objects
alertingTaskRecipientErrors properties
- addedstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on alerting task
- DLGroupsarray
- DLListIdstring
- groupIdsarray of objects
an internal recipient based on its group id.
groupIds properties
- valuestring
Group ID of recipient.
- enabledboolean
Whether this recipient can receive alerts.
- taskGroupRecipientErrorsarray of objects
taskGroupRecipientErrors properties
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on sharing task specific for group recipient
- timestampstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- alertingTaskGroupRecipientErrorsarray of objects
alertingTaskGroupRecipientErrors properties
- addedstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on alerting task
- throttlingobject
The rules and setup for throttling
throttling properties
- capacityinteger
the maximum number of tokens that the bucket can contain
- timezonestring
the timezone for time calculations in this throttlingresource, for current time and time reference.
- replenishRateinteger
the amount of tokens to insert into the bucket on the specified interval. (tokens exceeding capacity are discarded)
- recurrenceRulestring
A string that supports a subset of RFC5545 recurrence rule directives.
- initialTokenCountinteger
the initial amount of tokens in the bucket upon creation. cannot exceed capacity.
- referenceTimestampstring
a date and time reference specified in RFC3339 format
- conditionIdstring
the id of the condition that determines if this data alert should be triggered
- dateCreatedstring
Timestamp for the creation of the task (rfc3339 format)
- descriptionstring
description associated to alerting task
- errorStatusstring
error labels from the latest workflow that happened within the task
- lastTriggerstring
last time an execution had been created for requesting user
- lastUpdatedstring
Timestamp of the most recent update.
- triggerTypestring
Type of job that triggered the task
- triggerStatsobjectRequired
triggerStats properties
- totalScansintegerRequired
The number of scans for the current condition.
- last10ScansintegerRequired
The number of triggers out of the last 10 scans for the current condition.
- last100ScansintegerRequired
The number of triggers out of the last 100 scans for the current condition.
- hideSelectionsboolean
Whether the selection needs to be hidden.
- evaluationCountinteger
the number of actual evaluations with engine this task has consumed in the current month
- scheduleOptionsobject
scheduleOptions properties
- timezonestring
The timezone for time calculations in SCHEDULED triggers, optional.
- recurrencearray of strings
List of RRULEs for SCHEDULED triggers, as specified in RFC5545. Note that DTSTART and DTEND, UNTIL lines are not allowed in this field; start and end times are specified in the start and end fields. RDATE and EXDATE lines are not currently supported. EXRULE is not supported since it is deprecated by RFC5545. It is mandatory if the trigger type is SCHEDULED. At least 1 rule must be set and maximum 5 rules are allowed.
- endDateTimestring
EndDateTime is a local date time with respect to the above timezone parameter. If the timezone parameter is missing, then the timezone used is the one retrieved from user infos. Therefore ISO8601 time offsets are not allowed (e.g. "2026-01-02T16:04:05Z" or "2026-01-02T16:04:05+01"), if passed an error will be returned. EndDateTime is an optional parameter, when not set or when it's an empty string, the recurrence is intended to be never ending.
- chronosJobIDstring
The chronos job identifier. It is set once the related chronos job is created.
- startDateTimestring
StartDateTime is a local date time with respect to the above timezone parameter. If the timezone parameter is missing, then the timezone used is the one retrieved from user infos. Therefore ISO8601 time offsets are not allowed (e.g. "2026-01-02T16:04:05Z" or "2026-01-02T16:04:05+01"), if passed an error will be returned. StartDateTime should not be older than 1 year from current date. StartDateTime is an optional parameter, when not set or when it's an empty string, its value is set to the current local date time.
- lastExecutionTimestring
lastExecutionTime is the time of the chronos job last execution in RFC3339 format (a time with a fixed UTC offset). Could be empty if job has not run yet.
- nextExecutionTimestring
nextExecutionTime is the time of the chronos job next execution in RFC3339 format (a time with a fixed UTC offset). Could be empty if the job is completed.
- subscriptionIdsarray of strings
list of subscriptions related to this alerting task
- absoluteLastScanstring
last time a trigger was detected, but not sure if executed
- conditionResponseobject
Should reference ConditionResponse type in condition-manager api docs
- alertingTaskErrorsarray of objects
alertingTaskErrors properties
- addedstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on alerting task
- absoluteLastTriggerstring
last time an execution had been created
- hasHistoryConditionboolean
true if the alert has history condition enabled
- lastExecutionStatusstring
Can be one of: "OK""FAILED"
- recipientsChangeHistoryarray of objects
Change in a recipient for an alerting task
recipientsChangeHistory properties
- dateTimestring
time of recipient state change
- patchActionarray of objects
A custom custom JSON Patch document, as an array of objects with operation, recipient type and value. Original defined in
patchAction properties
- opstringRequired
The operation to be performed.
Can be one of: "remove""add""replace""enable""disable""subscribe""unsubscribe"
- valueobjectRequired
The value to be used for this operation.
- recipientTypestringRequired
Defines the path for the given resource field to patch.
Can be one of: "userid""groupid"
- lastEvaluationCountUpdatestring
the date when the evaluation count was updated
Bad request, malformed syntax or errors in parameters.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Task or execution not found.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Internal server error.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Error response.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
curl "{alertId}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-alerts/{alertId}',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"id": "5da5825325dc9a0dd0260af9",
"name": "string",
"appId": "string",
"links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8787/v1/items/5da5825325dc9a0dd0260af9"
"status": "creating",
"enabled": true,
"ownerId": "string",
"sheetId": "string",
"lastScan": "string",
"tenantId": "string",
"ownerName": "string",
"accessMode": "SOURCE_ACCESS",
"bookmarkId": "string",
"recipients": {
"DLUsers": [],
"userIds": [
"value": "1b263bs8m0mm_s21s3f",
"groups": [
"enabled": true,
"subscribed": true,
"taskRecipientErrors": [
"value": "USER_IS_DELETED",
"timestamp": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z"
"alertingTaskRecipientErrors": [
"added": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
"value": "USER_IS_DELETED"
"DLGroups": [],
"DLListId": "string",
"groupIds": [
"value": "group1",
"enabled": true,
"taskGroupRecipientErrors": [
"timestamp": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z"
"alertingTaskGroupRecipientErrors": [
"added": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
"throttling": {
"capacity": 42,
"timezone": "Etc/UTC",
"replenishRate": 42,
"recurrenceRule": "string",
"initialTokenCount": 42,
"referenceTimestamp": "string"
"conditionId": "string",
"dateCreated": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
"description": "string",
"errorStatus": "OK",
"lastTrigger": "string",
"lastUpdated": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
"triggerType": "RELOAD",
"triggerStats": {
"totalScans": 42,
"last10Scans": 42,
"last100Scans": 42
"hideSelections": true,
"evaluationCount": 42,
"scheduleOptions": {
"timezone": "Canada/Pacific",
"recurrence": [
"endDateTime": "",
"chronosJobID": "string",
"startDateTime": "2006-01-02T16:04:05",
"lastExecutionTime": "2020-11-20T12:00:55.000Z",
"nextExecutionTime": "2020-11-20T12:00:55.000Z"
"subscriptionIds": [
"absoluteLastScan": "string",
"conditionResponse": {},
"alertingTaskErrors": [
"added": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
"absoluteLastTrigger": "string",
"hasHistoryCondition": true,
"lastExecutionStatus": "OK",
"recipientsChangeHistory": [
"dateTime": "string",
"patchAction": [
"op": "add",
"value": {
"value": "recipient-1",
"enabled": true
"recipientType": "userid"
"op": "remove",
"value": "I6mWVd60wRWIbOXZr1ZKV8QTnxhnitb",
"recipientType": "userid"
"op": "enable",
"value": "I6mWVd60wRWIbOXZr1ZKV8QTnxhnitb",
"recipientType": "userid"
"op": "disable",
"value": "I6mWVd60wRWIbOXZr1ZKV8QTnxhnitb",
"recipientType": "userid"
"op": "replace",
"value": [
"value": "recipient-1",
"enabled": true
"value": "recipient-2",
"enabled": false
"recipientType": "userid"
"lastEvaluationCountUpdate": "string"
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories | manage |
Path Parameters
- alertIdstringRequired
The alerting task identifier.
Request Body
Patch request definition for an alerting task.
- application/jsonarray of objects
application/json properties
- opstringRequired
The operation to be performed
Can be one of: "replace"
- pathstringRequired
A JSON Patch document as defined in
Can be one of: "/ownerName""/ownerId""/conditionId""/enabledAction""/bookmarkId""/name""/description""/throttling""/triggerType""/scheduleOptions"
- valueobject
The value to be used for this operation.
The alerting task has been successfully updated.
The specified alerting task ID or body is invalid (e.g. not a number).
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
An alerting task with the specified ID was not found.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Internal server error.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Error response.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
curl "{alertId}" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d '[{"op":"replace","path":"/ownerName","value":{}}]'
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify([{"op":"replace","path":"/ownerName","value":{}}])
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-alerts/{alertId}',
'method': 'PATCH',
'headers': {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"op": "replace",
"path": "/ownerName",
"value": {}
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories | manage |
Path Parameters
- alertIdstringRequired
The alerting task identifier.
The alerting task has been successfully deleted.
The specified alerting task ID is invalid (e.g. not a number).
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
An alerting task with the specified ID was not found.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Internal server error.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Error response.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
curl "{alertId}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-alerts/{alertId}',
'method': 'DELETE',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
Rate limit | Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute) |
Categories | manage |
Path Parameters
- alertIdstringRequired
The alerting task identifier.
Condition associated with the alerting task has been successfully returned. See ConditionResponse in condition-manager api docs
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- hideSelectionsboolean
- conditionResponseobject
Should reference ConditionResponse type in condition-manager api docs
Bad request, malformed syntax or errors in parameters.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Task or condition not found.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Internal server error.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Error response.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
curl "{alertId}/condition" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-alerts/{alertId}/condition',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"hideSelections": true,
"conditionResponse": {}
Rate limit | Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute) |
Categories | manage |
Path Parameters
- alertIdstringRequired
The alerting task identifier.
- executionIdstringRequired
The execution identifier. If value is "latest", the latest execution will be returned
The execution has been successfully returned.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- idstring
Gets the execution identifier.
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- resultobject
result properties
- alertTriggerStatusstring
- throttlerTokensLeftinteger
- alertIdstring
ID for the alerting task that this execution references
- ownerIdstring
The owner that this execution belongs to
- measuresarray of strings
Measures applied in the condition
- tenantIdstring
The tenant that this execution belongs to
- accessModestring
- bookmarkIdstring
Id of the bookmark associated with an alert
- dimensionsarray of strings
Dimensions applied in the condition
- workflowIdstring
ID for the workflow, coming from eventing service
- conditionIdstring
Id of the condition the alert is associated with
- triggerTimestring
Timestamp of execution start
- evaluationIdstring
Id of the evaluation for the condition
- executionTypestring
Can be one of: "INDIVIDUAL""SHARED"
- conditionStatusstring
Can be one of: "FINISHED""FAILED"
- executionEvaluationStatusstring
- linksobject
links properties
- selfobject
Object with Href to a particular element or set of elements
self properties
- hrefstring
- evaluationobject
evaluation properties
- idstring
The unique id for the resource
- resultstring
The final result of the evalution
Can be one of: "success""failure""error"
- statusstring
The status of the evaluation execution
- endTimestring
The time the evaluation ended
- ownerIdstring
userId of user being impersonated to evaluate the condition
- tenantIdstring
The tenant id
- contextIdstring
Extra context information to carry through to the result if one was included on when the evaluation was triggered
- startTimestring
The time the evaluation started
- resultDataobject
Condition type specific result, one of dataResult or compoundResult
- causalEventobject
Representation of the event that caused the condition to be evaluated if one was included on when the evaluation was triggered
- conditionIdstring
The unique id of the associated condition
- dataConditionEvaluatorIdstring
The unique id for the resource given from Data Condition Evaluator
The specified task or execution ID is invalid (e.g. not a number).
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Task or execution not found.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Internal server error.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Error response.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
curl "{alertId}/executions/{executionId}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-alerts/{alertId}/executions/{executionId}',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"id": "string",
"errors": [
"code": "string",
"title": "string",
"detail": "string"
"result": {
"alertTriggerStatus": "alertSent",
"throttlerTokensLeft": 5
"alertId": "string",
"ownerId": "string",
"measures": [
"tenantId": "string",
"accessMode": "SOURCE_ACCESS",
"bookmarkId": "string",
"dimensions": [
"workflowId": "string",
"conditionId": "string",
"triggerTime": "string",
"evaluationId": "string",
"executionType": "INDIVIDUAL",
"conditionStatus": "FINISHED",
"executionEvaluationStatus": "CONDITION_MET",
"links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8787/v1/items/5da5825325dc9a0dd0260af9"
"evaluation": {
"id": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69",
"result": "success",
"status": "RUNNING",
"endTime": "string",
"ownerId": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69",
"tenantId": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69",
"contextId": "string",
"startTime": "string",
"resultData": {},
"causalEvent": {},
"conditionId": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69",
"dataConditionEvaluatorId": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69"
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories | manage |
Path Parameters
- alertIdstringRequired
The alerting task identifier.
- executionIdstringRequired
The execution identifier.
The execution has been successfully deleted.
The specified task or execution ID is invalid (e.g. not a number).
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Task or execution not found.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Internal server error.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Error response.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
curl "{alertId}/executions/{executionId}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-alerts/{alertId}/executions/{executionId}',
'method': 'DELETE',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
Rate limit | Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute) |
Categories | manage |
Query Parameters
- groupsarray of strings
The name of the groups you would like to filter by
- sortarray of strings
Sort the returned result set by the specified field
Values may be any of: "+userID""-userID""subscribed""+subscribed"
- subscribedboolean
Subscribed property you would like to filter by
- userIDstring
The recipients ID you would like to filter by
Path Parameters
- alertIdstringRequired
The alerting task identifier.
Alert recipient stats have been successfully returned.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- recipientStatsarray of objects
recipientStats properties
- typestring
Can be one of: "userid"
- valuestring
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- groupsarray of strings
A list of associated groups. If a user is added individually the "addedIndividually" pseudo group is included
- enabledbooleanRequired
Whether the recipient is enabled.
- lastScanstring
last time a trigger was detected, but not sure if executed
- subscribedboolean
Whether the recipient is subscribed.
- lastTriggerstring
last time an execution had been created
- conditionStatusstring
Can be one of: "OK""FAILED"
Bad request, malformed syntax or errors in parameters.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Task or execution not found.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Internal server error.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Error response.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
curl "{alertId}/recipient-stats" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-alerts/{alertId}/recipient-stats',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"recipientStats": [
"type": "userid",
"value": "string",
"errors": [
"code": "string",
"title": "string",
"detail": "string"
"groups": [
"enabled": true,
"lastScan": "string",
"subscribed": true,
"lastTrigger": "string",
"conditionStatus": "OK"
Rate limit | Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute) |
Categories | manage |
Query Parameters
- conditionIdstring
Filter by condition id related to the executions.
- conditionStatusstring
Filter by whether the alerting task execution status is FINISHED or FAILED.
Can be one of: "FINISHED""FAILED""ALL"
- daysOfMontharray of integers
Specifies required days of the month that the execution was created in
- daysOfWeekarray of strings
Specifies a filter for custom handled periods of time in which the executions were handled
- fieldsarray of strings
Specifies specific properties to be populated
Values may be any of: "evaluationId""triggerTime""conditionStatus""executionEvaluationStatus""evaluation""evaluation.endTime""evaluation.resultData""evaluation.resultData.count""evaluation.resultData.headers""evaluation.resultData.positive""evaluation.resultData.negative""evaluation.resultData.dimensions""evaluation.resultData.measures"
- includeEvaluationboolean
Specifies whether to include evaluation details
- lastEachDayboolean
Specifies whether to only show the last execution in each day
- limitinteger
Limit the returned result set
- minimumGapDaysinteger
Specifies the number of days required between each entry. This should require a sort by triggertime
- nextstring
The cursor to the next page of data. Only one of next or previous may be specified.
- offsetinteger
Offset for pagination - how many elements to skip
- prevstring
The cursor to the previous page of data. Only one of next or previous may be specified.
- searchResultsLimitinteger
Specifies a limit number for the search query, affects total count and is not related to pagination
- sincestring
Specifies a date that executions should have been created after. Date in RFC3339Nano format, such as 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
- sortarray of strings
Sort the returned result set by the specified field
Values may be any of: "triggertime""-triggertime""+triggertime"
- timezonestring
Specifies a timezone the other time-based filters in this query should consider. Expecting a momentjs format, such as America/Los_Angeles
- triggeredboolean
Filter by whether the alerting task is triggered.
- untilstring
Specifies a date that executions should have been created before. Date in RFC3339Nano format, such as 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
Path Parameters
- taskIdstringRequired
The alerting task identifier.
The alerting-executions list has been successfully returned.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- totalCountintegerRequired
total count of entries in the collection as a whole
- currentPageCountintegerRequired
count of entries on the currently shown page
- linksobject
links properties
- nextobject
next properties
- hrefstring
URL to particular set of elements
- typestring
Page type, can be next or prev
Can be one of: "prev""next"
- tokenstring
Page unique token
- prevobject
prev properties
- hrefstring
URL to particular set of elements
- typestring
Page type, can be next or prev
Can be one of: "prev""next"
- tokenstring
Page unique token
- selfobject
Object with Href to a particular element or set of elements
self properties
- hrefstring
- executionsarray of objects
Gets a list of alerting-executions.
executions properties
- idstring
Gets the execution identifier.
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- resultobject
result properties
- alertTriggerStatusstring
- throttlerTokensLeftinteger
- alertIdstring
ID for the alerting task that this execution references
- ownerIdstring
The owner that this execution belongs to
- measuresarray of strings
Measures applied in the condition
- tenantIdstring
The tenant that this execution belongs to
- accessModestring
- bookmarkIdstring
Id of the bookmark associated with an alert
- dimensionsarray of strings
Dimensions applied in the condition
- workflowIdstring
ID for the workflow, coming from eventing service
- conditionIdstring
Id of the condition the alert is associated with
- triggerTimestring
Timestamp of execution start
- evaluationIdstring
Id of the evaluation for the condition
- executionTypestring
Can be one of: "INDIVIDUAL""SHARED"
- conditionStatusstring
Can be one of: "FINISHED""FAILED"
- executionEvaluationStatusstring
- linksobject
links properties
- selfobject
Object with Href to a particular element or set of elements
self properties
- hrefstring
- evaluationobject
evaluation properties
- idstring
The unique id for the resource
- resultstring
The final result of the evalution
Can be one of: "success""failure""error"
- statusstring
The status of the evaluation execution
- endTimestring
The time the evaluation ended
- ownerIdstring
userId of user being impersonated to evaluate the condition
- tenantIdstring
The tenant id
- contextIdstring
Extra context information to carry through to the result if one was included on when the evaluation was triggered
- startTimestring
The time the evaluation started
- resultDataobject
Condition type specific result, one of dataResult or compoundResult
- causalEventobject
Representation of the event that caused the condition to be evaluated if one was included on when the evaluation was triggered
- conditionIdstring
The unique id of the associated condition
- dataConditionEvaluatorIdstring
The unique id for the resource given from Data Condition Evaluator
Bad request, malformed syntax or errors in parameters.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Task or execution not found.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Internal server error.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Error response.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
curl "{taskId}/executions" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-alerts/{taskId}/executions',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"totalCount": 42,
"currentPageCount": 42,
"links": {
"next": {
"href": "http://localhost:8787/v1/items?limit=12",
"type": "next",
"prev": {
"href": "http://localhost:8787/v1/items?limit=12",
"type": "next",
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8787/v1/items/5da5825325dc9a0dd0260af9"
"executions": [
"id": "string",
"errors": [
"code": "string",
"title": "string",
"detail": "string"
"result": {
"alertTriggerStatus": "alertSent",
"throttlerTokensLeft": 5
"alertId": "string",
"ownerId": "string",
"measures": [
"tenantId": "string",
"accessMode": "SOURCE_ACCESS",
"bookmarkId": "string",
"dimensions": [
"workflowId": "string",
"conditionId": "string",
"triggerTime": "string",
"evaluationId": "string",
"executionType": "INDIVIDUAL",
"conditionStatus": "FINISHED",
"executionEvaluationStatus": "CONDITION_MET",
"links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8787/v1/items/5da5825325dc9a0dd0260af9"
"evaluation": {
"id": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69",
"result": "success",
"status": "RUNNING",
"endTime": "string",
"ownerId": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69",
"tenantId": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69",
"contextId": "string",
"startTime": "string",
"resultData": {},
"causalEvent": {},
"conditionId": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69",
"dataConditionEvaluatorId": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69"
Rate limit | Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute) |
Categories | manage |
Path Parameters
- executionIdstringRequired
The execution identifier.
- taskIdstringRequired
The alerting task identifier.
Evaluation successfully returned.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- conditionobject
- evaluationobject
evaluation properties
- idstring
The unique id for the resource
- resultstring
The final result of the evalution
Can be one of: "success""failure""error"
- statusstring
The status of the evaluation execution
- endTimestring
The time the evaluation ended
- ownerIdstring
userId of user being impersonated to evaluate the condition
- tenantIdstring
The tenant id
- contextIdstring
Extra context information to carry through to the result if one was included on when the evaluation was triggered
- startTimestring
The time the evaluation started
- resultDataobject
Condition type specific result, one of dataResult or compoundResult
- causalEventobject
Representation of the event that caused the condition to be evaluated if one was included on when the evaluation was triggered
- conditionIdstring
The unique id of the associated condition
- dataConditionEvaluatorIdstring
The unique id for the resource given from Data Condition Evaluator
- hideSelectionsboolean
A task or execution with the specified ID was not found.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Internal server error.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Error response.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
curl "{taskId}/executions/{executionId}/evaluations" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-alerts/{taskId}/executions/{executionId}/evaluations',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"condition": {},
"evaluation": {
"id": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69",
"result": "success",
"status": "RUNNING",
"endTime": "string",
"ownerId": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69",
"tenantId": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69",
"contextId": "string",
"startTime": "string",
"resultData": {},
"causalEvent": {},
"conditionId": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69",
"dataConditionEvaluatorId": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69"
"hideSelections": true
Query Parameters
- periodstringRequired
The period by which the stats aggregation needs to be performed.
Can be one of: "month"
Path Parameters
- taskIdstringRequired
The alerting task identifier.
Evaluation successfully returned.
- application/jsonobjectDeprecated
application/json properties
- totalCountintegerRequired
total count of entries in the collection as a whole
- currentPageCountintegerRequired
count of entries on the currently shown page
- linksobject
links properties
- nextobject
next properties
- hrefstring
URL to particular set of elements
- typestring
Page type, can be next or prev
Can be one of: "prev""next"
- tokenstring
Page unique token
- prevobject
prev properties
- hrefstring
URL to particular set of elements
- typestring
Page type, can be next or prev
Can be one of: "prev""next"
- tokenstring
Page unique token
- selfobject
Object with Href to a particular element or set of elements
self properties
- hrefstring
- executionsStatsarray of objects
executionsStats properties
- endTimestring
- periodKeystring
- startTimestring
- totalExecutionsstring
- triggeredExecutionsstring
A task or execution with the specified ID was not found.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Internal server error.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Error response.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
curl "{taskId}/executions/stats" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-alerts/{taskId}/executions/stats',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"totalCount": 42,
"currentPageCount": 42,
"links": {
"next": {
"href": "http://localhost:8787/v1/items?limit=12",
"type": "next",
"prev": {
"href": "http://localhost:8787/v1/items?limit=12",
"type": "next",
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8787/v1/items/5da5825325dc9a0dd0260af9"
"executionsStats": [
"endTime": "string",
"periodKey": "string",
"startTime": "string",
"totalExecutions": "string",
"triggeredExecutions": "string"
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories | manage |
Request Body
The alerting trigger action create request definition.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- alertingTaskIDstringRequired
Action has been successfully done. Request to eventing was successfully triggered.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- workflowIDstring
the workflow id created for the manual triggering of alert
Bad request, malformed syntax or errors in parameters.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Internal server error.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Error response.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
curl "" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d '{"alertingTaskID":"a1b2c3d4f5"}'
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify({"alertingTaskID":"a1b2c3d4f5"})
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-alerts/actions/trigger',
'method': 'POST',
'headers': {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"alertingTaskID": "a1b2c3d4f5"
"workflowID": "a1b2c3d4f5"
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories | manage |
Request Body
The alerting validate action validates a new alerting task.
a alerting task (a definition on an alert)
- application/jsonobject
a alerting task (a definition on an alert)
application/json properties
- namestringRequired
name associated to alerting task
- appIdstringRequired
appId associated to this alert definition
- enabledboolean
if the alerting task is enabled
- sheetIdstring
sheetId associated to this alert definition
- bookmarkIdstring
bookmarkId associated to this alert definition
- recipientsobjectRequired
List of recipients. An internal recipient is represented by either their user id or group id.
recipients properties
- DLUsersarray
- userIdsarray of objectsRequired
an internal recipient based on its user id.
userIds properties
- valuestring
User ID of recipient (internal user).
- groupsarray of strings
A list of associated groups. If a user is added individually the "addedIndividually" pseudo group is included
- enabledboolean
Whether this recipient can receive alerts.
- subscribedboolean
Whether this recipient is subscribed to alerts of a task
- taskRecipientErrorsarray of objects
taskRecipientErrors properties
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on sharing task specific for recipient
- timestampstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- alertingTaskRecipientErrorsarray of objects
alertingTaskRecipientErrors properties
- addedstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on alerting task
- DLGroupsarray
- DLListIdstring
- groupIdsarray of objects
an internal recipient based on its group id.
groupIds properties
- valuestring
Group ID of recipient.
- enabledboolean
Whether this recipient can receive alerts.
- taskGroupRecipientErrorsarray of objects
taskGroupRecipientErrors properties
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on sharing task specific for group recipient
- timestampstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- alertingTaskGroupRecipientErrorsarray of objects
alertingTaskGroupRecipientErrors properties
- addedstring
Timestamp for the creation of the error
- valuestring
Identifier for type of error occurring on alerting task
- throttlingobject
The rules and setup for throttling
throttling properties
- capacityinteger
the maximum number of tokens that the bucket can contain
- timezonestring
the timezone for time calculations in this throttlingresource, for current time and time reference.
- replenishRateinteger
the amount of tokens to insert into the bucket on the specified interval. (tokens exceeding capacity are discarded)
- recurrenceRulestring
A string that supports a subset of RFC5545 recurrence rule directives.
- initialTokenCountinteger
the initial amount of tokens in the bucket upon creation. cannot exceed capacity.
- referenceTimestampstring
a date and time reference specified in RFC3339 format
- conditionIdstringRequired
the id of the condition that determines if this data alert should be triggered
- descriptionstring
description associated to alerting task
- triggerTypestringRequired
Type of job that triggered the task
Can be one of: "RELOAD""SCHEDULED"
- scheduleOptionsobject
scheduleOptions properties
- timezonestring
The timezone for time calculations in SCHEDULED triggers, optional.
- recurrencearray of strings
List of RRULEs for SCHEDULED triggers, as specified in RFC5545. Note that DTSTART and DTEND, UNTIL lines are not allowed in this field; start and end times are specified in the start and end fields. RDATE and EXDATE lines are not currently supported. EXRULE is not supported since it is deprecated by RFC5545. It is mandatory if the trigger type is SCHEDULED. At least 1 rule must be set and maximum 5 rules are allowed.
- endDateTimestring
EndDateTime is a local date time with respect to the above timezone parameter. If the timezone parameter is missing, then the timezone used is the one retrieved from user infos. Therefore ISO8601 time offsets are not allowed (e.g. "2026-01-02T16:04:05Z" or "2026-01-02T16:04:05+01"), if passed an error will be returned. EndDateTime is an optional parameter, when not set or when it's an empty string, the recurrence is intended to be never ending.
- startDateTimestring
StartDateTime is a local date time with respect to the above timezone parameter. If the timezone parameter is missing, then the timezone used is the one retrieved from user infos. Therefore ISO8601 time offsets are not allowed (e.g. "2026-01-02T16:04:05Z" or "2026-01-02T16:04:05+01"), if passed an error will be returned. StartDateTime should not be older than 1 year from current date. StartDateTime is an optional parameter, when not set or when it's an empty string, its value is set to the current local date time.
Alerting task has been validated successfully.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- statusstring
Can be one of: "FAILURE""SUCCESS"
- validationsarray of objects
validations properties
- idstring
Identifies for user id or condition id
- typestring
Identifier for type of a validation error occurring on alerting task
- errorstringDeprecated
Identifier for a validation error occurring on alerting task
- descriptionstring
Description of the error
- validationErrorsarray of strings
Bad request, malformed syntax or errors in parameters.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Internal server error.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Error response.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
curl "" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d '{"name":"string","appId":"string","enabled":true,"sheetId":"string","bookmarkId":"string","recipients":{"DLUsers":[],"userIds":[{"value":"1b263bs8m0mm_s21s3f","groups":["addedIndividually","group1","group2"],"enabled":true,"subscribed":true,"taskRecipientErrors":[{"value":"USER_IS_DELETED","timestamp":"2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z"}],"alertingTaskRecipientErrors":[{"added":"2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z","value":"USER_IS_DELETED"}]}],"DLGroups":[],"DLListId":"string","groupIds":[{"value":"group1","enabled":true,"taskGroupRecipientErrors":[{"value":"GROUP_IS_DISABLED","timestamp":"2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z"}],"alertingTaskGroupRecipientErrors":[{"added":"2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z","value":"GROUP_IS_DISABLED"}]}]},"throttling":{"capacity":42,"timezone":"Etc/UTC","replenishRate":42,"recurrenceRule":"string","initialTokenCount":42,"referenceTimestamp":"string"},"conditionId":"string","description":"string","triggerType":"RELOAD","scheduleOptions":{"timezone":"Canada/Pacific","recurrence":["RRULE:FREQ=HOURLY;INTERVAL=2"],"endDateTime":"","startDateTime":"2006-01-02T16:04:05"}}'
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify({"name":"string","appId":"string","enabled":true,"sheetId":"string","bookmarkId":"string","recipients":{"DLUsers":[],"userIds":[{"value":"1b263bs8m0mm_s21s3f","groups":["addedIndividually","group1","group2"],"enabled":true,"subscribed":true,"taskRecipientErrors":[{"value":"USER_IS_DELETED","timestamp":"2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z"}],"alertingTaskRecipientErrors":[{"added":"2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z","value":"USER_IS_DELETED"}]}],"DLGroups":[],"DLListId":"string","groupIds":[{"value":"group1","enabled":true,"taskGroupRecipientErrors":[{"value":"GROUP_IS_DISABLED","timestamp":"2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z"}],"alertingTaskGroupRecipientErrors":[{"added":"2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z","value":"GROUP_IS_DISABLED"}]}]},"throttling":{"capacity":42,"timezone":"Etc/UTC","replenishRate":42,"recurrenceRule":"string","initialTokenCount":42,"referenceTimestamp":"string"},"conditionId":"string","description":"string","triggerType":"RELOAD","scheduleOptions":{"timezone":"Canada/Pacific","recurrence":["RRULE:FREQ=HOURLY;INTERVAL=2"],"endDateTime":"","startDateTime":"2006-01-02T16:04:05"}})
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-alerts/actions/validate',
'method': 'POST',
'headers': {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"name": "string",
"appId": "string",
"enabled": true,
"sheetId": "string",
"bookmarkId": "string",
"recipients": {
"DLUsers": [],
"userIds": [
"value": "1b263bs8m0mm_s21s3f",
"groups": [
"enabled": true,
"subscribed": true,
"taskRecipientErrors": [
"value": "USER_IS_DELETED",
"timestamp": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z"
"alertingTaskRecipientErrors": [
"added": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
"value": "USER_IS_DELETED"
"DLGroups": [],
"DLListId": "string",
"groupIds": [
"value": "group1",
"enabled": true,
"taskGroupRecipientErrors": [
"timestamp": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z"
"alertingTaskGroupRecipientErrors": [
"added": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
"throttling": {
"capacity": 42,
"timezone": "Etc/UTC",
"replenishRate": 42,
"recurrenceRule": "string",
"initialTokenCount": 42,
"referenceTimestamp": "string"
"conditionId": "string",
"description": "string",
"triggerType": "RELOAD",
"scheduleOptions": {
"timezone": "Canada/Pacific",
"recurrence": [
"endDateTime": "",
"startDateTime": "2006-01-02T16:04:05"
"status": "FAILURE",
"validations": [
"id": "string",
"type": "RECIPIENT",
"error": "NO_ACCESS",
"description": "string",
"validationErrors": [
Rate limit | Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute) |
Categories | manage |
The alerting settings have been successfully returned
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- tenantIdstring
These persisted alerting settings are only available for this tenant. Extracted from request JWT.
- dataAlertsLimitsnumber
Represents the number of data alerts limit to be consumed by the user either as an owner or recipient
- dataAlertsConsumednumber
Represents the number of data alerts consumed by the user either as an owner or recipient
- enable-data-alertingbooleanRequired
true if data-alerting feature is enabled for this tenant. Enabling this feature also requires that the license has this feature enabled.
- data-alerting-license-statusstring
Whether the license for the tenant has the data alerting feature enabled.
Can be one of: "enabled""disabled"
- max-recipients-in-target-accessinteger
The maximum number of recipients that can be present in an alerting task in TARGET_ACCESS mode. New recipients cannot be added when this limit is exceeded
- data-alerting-feature-operation-statusstring
This indicates that there is an ongoing operation to either disable or enable the data alerting feature. none means that no such operation is ongoing. enabling/disabling means that system is currently enabling/disabling the feature
Can be one of: "none""enabling""disabling"
- data-alerting-feature-operation-status-changestring
UTC timestamp of the most recent change of data-alerting-feature-operation-status. If there has not been any such change, this is the timestamp of the initial creation of the record.
Internal server error.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Error response.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-alerts/settings',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"tenantId": "cgdsAumGmQ6l0Bi7CUKt9V8P_Y9GL0sC",
"dataAlertsLimits": 50,
"dataAlertsConsumed": 40,
"enable-data-alerting": true,
"data-alerting-license-status": "enabled",
"max-recipients-in-target-access": 100,
"data-alerting-feature-operation-status": "disabling",
"data-alerting-feature-operation-status-change": "2020-09-02T13:44:33Z"
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories | manage |
Request Body
Request for updating the alerting settings
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- enable-data-alertingbooleanRequired
true if data-alerting feature is enabled. A status change could potentially result in a considerable amount of API operations to enable/disable triggers. Enabling this feature also requires that the license has this feature enabled.
Alerting settings have been successfully updated.
Bad request body
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Request was denied at this time. This could happen when requesting to disable/enable the feature while there is an ongoing operation to enable/disable the feature
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Internal server error.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
Error response.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
Error code specific to sharing service.
- metaobject
meta properties
- httpCodeinteger
HTTP error code.
- titlestring
Error title.
- detailstring
Error cause.
- traceIdstring
curl "" \
-X PUT \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d '{"enable-data-alerting":true}'
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify({"enable-data-alerting":true})
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/data-alerts/settings',
'method': 'PUT',
'headers': {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"enable-data-alerting": true